VapeClub - Derringer RDA

All thos excitement with the BF drippers for the Reo. I think i must have mine shaved soon. Tbh, i lost a bit of interest lately in the Reo. Its too little plumes with the standard Reomiser :(
Yip, it craves a shave and cloud blowing atomizer(s).
Looks like this order is all spoken for. Derringers are in SA now, customs expected to clear today.
Looks like this order is all spoken for. Derringers are in SA now, customs expected to clear today.
Nice! When are you guys expecting the Vaporwire? I'd like to ship in one go if it's not too long of a wait
Bad news, it looks like this batch of Derringers won't be modifiable.

They again came with that infernal copper adjustment screw and the screw is too thin to drill through effectively. Ironically they would be too short for many Reos without the screw since the 510 measures in at 4.3mm or thereabouts.

I'll list them as standard stock items for those who are interested in a non bottom fed version.

Apologies folks, bad run for me on BF atomisers at the moment. :(

I'll see if I can source some solid centre pin units after the Chinese holidays and poll for interest then.
Thanks for trying @JakesSA
That on its own is great service
Ow no :( this was one thing i was really looking forward to since i have a Derringer already and want a bf also. but i am happy to wait and see if we can eventually get our hands on some.
Its downright depressing ... think I'll go drown my sorrows in some Happy Holidays.
That Skyblue "Ambrosia" is what I'm hitting now.
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Yeah atleast we can still vape and thank you for all your troubles jakes I will still buy one cause I love this atty and it's worth every penny even in normal mode!!
Derringer RDA Review

picked up the 1st derringer RDA to leave vape club's premises yesterday and buckled it up safety on the seat next to me as i drove out.

also got myself a bottle of Skyblue - Ambrosia which needed to be added to the collection.

built up the derringer with a single 0.5ohm coil, 26g around a 2mm dia. wicked it with some jap cotton and damn !!! this is an excellent flavour dripper.

compared to the original ( @Paulie has one ) it doesn't have the gold plated centre posts

single coil mode with only 1 air hole open is a bit tight for me, especially since i have been using the onslaught rda
single coil mode with both air holes open was much better but there was a tiny bit of spitting, blaming this on my rushed coil build

vaped till i got home and decided to rebuilt a dual coil. also using 26g, 2mm dia i did both coils so that i had a 0.5ohm build, wicked it nicely and then pushed it to 30w.

dual coil builds at 30w is lovely, thick sweet clouds of ambrosia like the flowers in the garden of eden. nom nom nom

the top cap did get a bit hot when chain vaping but not too bad that it burnt your lips

included in the box was a polishing cloth? spare o rings, allen key, and a plastic drip tip. the drip tip felt a bit cheapish but worked really well with the chain vaping as i ramped up the power.
I've been doing research on how to mod this fella for BF. And it looks like the only way to do this involves replacing the center post completely with a brand new custom job. This goes for the original too.
perhaps drill out the centre post and replace it with a thinner copper tube? ive looked at the size of the post and compared it with the size of the bf tube in my reomiser and its a very tight fit to get that squeezed in.

not sure if a thinner tube will be too tight for the high vg juices and to squeeze up the deck
perhaps drill out the centre post and replace it with a thinner copper tube? ive looked at the size of the post and compared it with the size of the bf tube in my reomiser and its a very tight fit to get that squeezed in.

not sure if a thinner tube will be too tight for the high vg juices and to squeeze up the deck
You have a Reomizer? And a Reo? I do not think you are on our Reo Roll Call.
I'm the blasphemous bastard that has the reomiser which I use as my juice tasting dripper cause I can swap out the tiny wicks easily between juice changes.

Tempted to get a reo though. Maybe a reo mini