VapeClub - The Big 5 RDAs

I'm building that 454 Big Block as soon as I get some spare time .. should be around Christmas ..

Agghh I forgot to mention that one .. got it mixed with the Nucleus somehow .. ;)
The Veritas seems very appealing.
The reviews all say it has awesome flavour and almost more importantly it is almost leak proof.
@Al3x gave me a toot on a tuggboat and it blew my mind, but i read that i leaks a lot, would be interesting to see how the veritas stacks up in the flavour and vapour compared to the tuggboat.
The Veritas seems very appealing.
The reviews all say it has awesome flavour and almost more importantly it is almost leak proof.
@Al3x gave me a toot on a tuggboat and it blew my mind, but i read that i leaks a lot, would be interesting to see how the veritas stacks up in the flavour and vapour compared to the tuggboat.

I coiled one at the vape meet, the flavour is excellent.
Please post here or PM me when you get that Veritas stock in.
Can you also confirm if your Veritas clone has SS screws and nuts? I've read far too many clone-reviews where it turns out that those are not SS and ends up rusting etc within a few days.

Also, 26AWG Kanthal, pls.

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Veritas now in stock. Looks like the nuts and thread is stainless, mine has been standing for over a week with no signs of rust?