Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

So - @Silver - you were the first person to welcome me onto the Forum - beginning of October last year - crazy how time moves heh.

It was the 11th of September last year that 44 years of smoking came to an end - and this Forum has played a critical role in helping me get through the first stages of stopping smoking - and helping me along my vaping journey - so thank you to this entire Forum for all your valued support - :aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa::aaaaa:
Oh that is just brilliant @Max !

Congrats on that achievement and I am glad the people on the forum have helped!

All the best for the year ahead

I'm happy to say I just reached my 4th year of not touching a stinky!
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Oh wow @Rob Fisher that is just epic!

4 years stinkie free - congrats!


Wishing you all the very best for the year/s ahead!
And thank you for all you have done for us here and for the industry at large!
Champion of note :campeon:
4 years ago i had my last stinkie

Cannot believe it

How time has flown and what an incredible journey it has been!
Wouldn't have done it without the people on this forum.

Am very pleased...

4 years ago i had my last stinkie

Cannot believe it

How time has flown and what an incredible journey it has been!
Wouldn't have done it without the people on this forum.

Am very pleased...

Outstanding achievement @Silver
Here is to another 4 years
I should think that taking up vaping is the most delightful way to stop smoking BUT I'm sure that it still required a strong will to do so. So to all those who have done so, I say, WELL DONE! It's a remarkable achievement and something that you should be proud of!! :applaudit::applaudit::applaudit:
Thanks all
Much appreciated
4 years ago i had my last stinkie

Cannot believe it

How time has flown and what an incredible journey it has been!
Wouldn't have done it without the people on this forum.

Am very pleased...

Congratulations @Silver :D
May there be many many more!
4 years ago i had my last stinkie

Cannot believe it

How time has flown and what an incredible journey it has been!
Wouldn't have done it without the people on this forum.

Am very pleased...


Way da go Hi Ho @Silver. Congrats!

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Congrats @Silver on your 4th year!!! you know of course it is a linen anniversary !!!
so cotton balls to you!!!
17 November 2014 I joined this forum on the recommendation of the skipper @Rob Fisher

20 November 2014 I got my first mod - a Vision Spinner and Kanger EMOW tank and that was also the last day I had a stinkie.

3 years today :)