VG Jucie needed


VAPING - the road to quitting smoking starts here.
Ok so there are alot of vape shops out there but can any one point me in the direction of one that sells VG based juices that are good.
Thanks guys
Ok so there are alot of vape shops out there but can any one point me in the direction of one that sells VG based juices that are good.
Thanks guys

@Nico you can order custom PG/VG ratios from the following retailers

@Derick at Skyblue Vaping
@Oupa at VapourMountain
@Just B from Just B Juices

Please forgive me if ive missed anyone!
Alien Visions E-Juice is a VG base, i wouldnt say its good, i'd say its fantastic :-D Try Juicy or check out our local mixologists, Im pretty sure we have brilliant VG base juices floating around. Thats what i got off the top of my head but all our vendors should have this info on their websites, also spend some time in the forum's E-Juice Review section can learn a lot from the other members experiences there.

Keep us in the loop on what you get bud, vape on.

EDIT : @Yiannaki is clearly more on it than me, its called 'winning' :clap::rock:
Thanks guys the info helps. Even some of my current suppliers can do it I see.
@Nico , Jus To Add One Last Thing That @DoubleD touched on. Juices joes also brings in HHV (heathers heavenly vapes) these juices can also be tailored to your of requirements. You would of course have to give him a heads up if there's a very specific order to it can be included when he places an order.

Some flavours are available in 100%vg. I think the more complex flavours will have some of as it's needed for the flavouring.

I hope this helps :)
@Nico you can order custom PG/VG ratios from the following retailers

@Derick at Skyblue Vaping
@Oupa at VapourMountain
@Just B from Just B Juices

Please forgive me if ive missed anyone!

Does @Oupa do VG only?
I sent him a mail sometime back and they replied no...?
If they do sell VG only I have some serious ZAR to spend on juice for the wife.