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Loves tobacco juice with a kick
Top Poster Of Month
Cape Town
Pssst herewith a pic of @ddk1979 ( crap did I just tag him) doing his first DIY session. You did not hear it from me;)
Welcome to the DIY world my friend, enjoy every second!:headbang:2020-08-25 07.34.39.jpg
Thanks all

This 1st mixing took place with the kind assistance, and under the watchful eye of @MrGSmokeFree .

So a big thank you to Gary for the useful hints that make the process just that little more easier and for repeatedly saying ...
"PRESS THE TARE BUTTON" because I kept forgetting :facepalm:

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@ddk1979 welcome!! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Remember the first few are normally kuk don't get despondent it's worth it!

Using a few recipes from @Andre that Gary and a few others have mixed for me in the past.

I'll mainly be using recipes that have been tried and tested as I don't think I'll be playing around .... much :D

Using a few recipes from @Andre that Gary and a few others have mixed for me in the past.

I'll mainly be using recipes that have been tried and tested as I don't think I'll be playing around .... much :D

Hahaha famous last words my friend. I personally have never mixed even one recipe that wasn't out of my head. It's much more fun this way. But an excellent way to start your way because you will get a better feel for it!
Using a few recipes from @Andre that Gary and a few others have mixed for me in the past.

I'll mainly be using recipes that have been tried and tested as I don't think I'll be playing around .... much :D

Whenever you mix, make your "tried and tested" and add one 30ml mix of something you have never tried, or something of your own creation.
I'll mainly be using recipes that have been tried and tested as I don't think I'll be playing around .... much :D

That's the way I have done it for years. Can't say that I have even one original recipe. Adapt now and again due to rule1 but I know that I can't compete with the experts.

@ddk1979 you should try some of DiyorDie's recipe's. I like most of them.
Still looking for a Naartjie and a Litchi Lemonade recipe.
Searched the recipes on the net but the only Litchi Lemonade recipe I came across uses Vape Train Australia concentrates that nobody seems to have in SA.

Come on folks, you need to help me with this elusive search. :)

Still looking for a Naartjie and a Litchi Lemonade recipe.
Searched the recipes on the net but the only Litchi Lemonade recipe I came across uses Vape Train Australia concentrates that nobody seems to have in SA.

Come on folks, you need to help me with this elusive search. :)

Which VT concentrates do you need? Blck has the Litchi and Sour Lemon...
VTA Lychee
VTA Lemonade Clear
VTA Fizzy Sherbet

Some stores have 1 of these (usually Fizzy Sherbet), but no store that I've seen has all 3.

Congrats @ddk1979 !
All the best with the DIY! Let us know what you make and how you like it

Thanks for sharing this @MrGSmokeFree

down the rabbit hole he goes....
Still looking for a Naartjie and a Litchi Lemonade recipe.
Searched the recipes on the net but the only Litchi Lemonade recipe I came across uses Vape Train Australia concentrates that nobody seems to have in SA.

Come on folks, you need to help me with this elusive search. :)

@ddk1979 - This recipe has not been rated on ATF yet, and I have not mixed it myself:


However, IMHO it makes sense 'on paper' and all those ingredients (and percentages - although the Cap Sweet Lychee might be slightly on the high spectrum, and the LA Lemonade might be slightly low to carry the 'lemonade part' on its shoulders alone. Just speculations, and one won't be able to say until mixed and vaped. Even then, personal tastes would be the defining factor) should work well together. The concentrates used are all pretty common and widely available (most of the concentrates also fall on the lower end of the price {not quality} spectrum, and can be used in many other recipes).

alexis666 mentions that the Koolada transformed the recipe for him / her (and that it was a bit dull and undefined without it). I have experienced that myself with some of my own fruity mixes. However, I have seen you mention that ice / menthol does not work for you. I think that (possibly with the rare exception, although in such a case one might think that the ice is there to 'hide' some inherent imbalances in the recipe) the chances are slim that just omitting the Koolada / WS23 / Polar Blast would drag a good recipe (if it is) to a terrible one.
@ddk1979 - This recipe has not been rated on ATF yet, and I have not mixed it myself:


However, IMHO it makes sense 'on paper' and all those ingredients (and percentages - although the Cap Sweet Lychee might be slightly on the high spectrum, and the LA Lemonade might be slightly low to carry the 'lemonade part' on its shoulders alone. Just speculations, and one won't be able to say until mixed and vaped. Even then, personal tastes would be the defining factor) should work well together. The concentrates used are all pretty common and widely available (most of the concentrates also fall on the lower end of the price {not quality} spectrum, and can be used in many other recipes).

alexis666 mentions that the Koolada transformed the recipe for him / her (and that it was a bit dull and undefined without it). I have experienced that myself with some of my own fruity mixes. However, I have seen you mention that ice / menthol does not work for you. I think that (possibly with the rare exception, although in such a case one might think that the ice is there to 'hide' some inherent imbalances in the recipe) the chances are slim that just omitting the Koolada / WS23 / Polar Blast would drag a good recipe (if it is) to a terrible one.

Thank you very much for the info @Lingogrey . Will definitely give that recipe a try - need to add some of those concentrates to my shopping list
Yes, I can't handle any ice/menthol - nothing whatsoever. .I can take about 3-4 puffs, but anything more than that has me throwing up.

I've found juices with Dragon Fruit to be pretty bland (of those that I've tried) . Perhaps the high CAP Sweet Lychee % is there to counteract that ???
Nevertheless, I'll play around with the %'s and make a few testers to check that out

Regarding koolada/ws23 , Sometime back I bought Fantasi thinking that it didn't have any ice since nothing is mentioned on the bottle. So had a few puffs and enjoyed the flavour and then had to throw out the rest because I was getting nauseous.

Then a vendor convinced me to try the zero cooling version but what a disappointment compared to the one with ice.
Didn't taste much like the original (with ice) and had a terrible aftertaste.
I'm convinced that the ice actually hides a lot of the "weaknesses" in that juice.

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I'm actually quite surprised that in SA there isn't a naartjie juice - goes great with rugby (sunny skies and Chevrolet) ;)

Thank you very much for the info @Lingogrey . Will definitely give that recipe a try - need to add some of those concentrates to my shopping list
Yes, I can't handle any ice/menthol - nothing whatsoever. .I can take about 3-4 puffs, but anything more than that has me throwing up.

I've found juices with Dragon Fruit to be pretty bland (of those that I've tried) . Perhaps the high CAP Sweet Lychee % is there to counteract that ???
Nevertheless, I'll play around with the %'s and make a few testers to check that out

Regarding how koolada/ws23 , Sometime back I bought Fantasi thinking that it didn't have any ice since nothing is mentioned on the bottle. So had a few puffs and enjoyed the flavour and then had to throw out the rest because I was getting nauseous.

Then a vendor convinced me to try the zero cooling version but what a disappointment compared to the one with ice.
Didn't taste much like the original (with ice) and had a terrible aftertaste.
I'm convinced that the ice actually hides a lot of the "weaknesses" in that juice.

Pleasure @ddk1979! Yeah - TFA Dragon Fruit is not very often used as an actual flavor, but as more of an additive. It tends to emulsify and blend other concentrates, add a bit of juiciness (although INW Cactus and FA Pear tends to work better for that), and can dull some sharp top notes from other concentrates (for actual Dragon Fruit flavor that is not bland, Cap Dragon Fruit and INW Pitaya {Dragon Fruit} are great). Cap Sweet Lychee can be somewhat perfume-ey at higher percentages, so the TFA Dragon Fruit might take a bit of the edge of.

A possibility would perhaps be to 'split' the 4 % Litchi between 1.5 - 2 % Cap Sweet Lychee and 1.5 - 2 % FA Lychee (more 'natural' and less candy, although somewhat floral), drop the TFA Dragon Fruit to 0.5 %, and bump the INW Cactus to 0.4 % (pretty much the threshold in order to add juiciness. Anything above that, it becomes a very pronounced flavour).

I agree with you on the latter. I am currently vaping a very popular, highly rated, and beloved local juice. I can't stand it in its 'normal' form and I find it slightly nauseating (as I said, most others love it. Thus, it must just be my personal taste or something that does not agree with my palate). With some added ice (WS23 at 20% dilution. 1 % in mix. Very high for me personally, as my go-to is 0.5%) I still do not love it at all, but I find it vapeable. The ice does seem to hide (to some extent) whatever it is that I find so disagreeable in the juice.
A possibility would perhaps be to 'split' the 4 % Litchi between 1.5 - 2 % Cap Sweet Lychee and 1.5 - 2 % FA Lychee (more 'natural' and less candy, although somewhat floral), drop the TFA Dragon Fruit to 0.5 %, and bump the INW Cactus to 0.4 % (pretty much the threshold in order to add juiciness. Anything above that, it becomes a very pronounced flavour).
Cap Sweet Lychee can be somewhat perfume-ey at higher percentages

And I just learnt a few new things today.

So not sure whether I should post here in this thread or start a new thread to get more exposure and possibly more suggestions, but here goes.

I bought the cheapie scale from Bossvape (R100) but noticed that as I add drops of concentrate the reading remains unchanged but then will suddenly jump after a while, usually after I've exceeded what I'm aiming for.
Apparently this is a known issue with this scale and was thinking of getting something better that doesn't break the pocket.

Saw these 2 scales and was wanting some feedback and possibly other recommendations


So not sure whether I should post here in this thread or start a new thread to get more exposure and possibly more suggestions, but here goes.

I bought the cheapie scale from Bossvape (R100) but noticed that as I add drops of concentrate the reading remains unchanged but then will suddenly jump after a while, usually after I've exceeded what I'm aiming for.
Apparently this is a known issue with this scale and was thinking of getting something better that doesn't break the pocket.

Saw these 2 scales and was wanting some feedback and possibly other recommendations



Scale from BLCK is fairly responsive and accurate. Best for 50-350ml mixes.
For testers 10-30ml I'm using small miligram/carat scale, similar to this:

carat scale_.jpg

Available on Amazon for $20 US
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Thanks for the info @alex1501

I intend mixing 10-20ml for testing and was a little concerned about the accuracy when mixing small amounts.
