What's in your hand right now?

@CaliGuy what is that between the mod and tank?
Is it to to stop the tank scratching the mod?

Yes it’s a 25mm mod guard that I got at Vapers Corner Equestria.


I’m using it on the Noisy because there is something off with the 510 connectors which doesn’t allow atomizers to sit flush and they wobble slightly.

You can also use 20700/21700 battery insulators to do the same thing, I use the self adhesive insulators from Vapers Corner.

The BEAST looks a bit funny with a bubble glass but the extra volume is worth it and the chicolate flavour isalways top notch!
3F7ADD12-D950-4059-92B9-11C74C531946.jpeg E2691DC7-FEF9-4799-9259-529F255C050F.jpeg 3A34561A-2AA5-4067-83D5-4D098311036B.jpeg I think I finally have my happy place... who knew it would be 3 different places!
The one sitting under the dvarw
That’s my little punk... was originally paired with a Gunmetal Gear... but the Dvarw is just way to good to worry about matchy match anymore.
I am however open to trading the Tesla for a Dani Mini, I wouldn’t even be picky about the colour! :rofl::rofl:
Loving this juice in my rta's as well! Absolute banger
Triple stack anyone

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