NCV Milked

SQL -Jazz Guitar-Vapa

Experienced Vaper
Cape Town
Bought a bottle of Northern Craft Vapes - Milked.
Not impressed at all, not getting any flavour out of it.
Anyone had the same experience with this juice?
I'm running it in a Subtank with a Clapton coil which is reading at 0.8.

NCV Milked is an awesome juice. Best in the line imo. Maybe just not for your pallet.
I agree with @zadiac . I love NCV Milked and Strawb.
You might want to get someone else who knows the juice to taste test .. Then you can tell if its your palette of the Juice itself.
I tried Looper as well as Foggs Milky Way, both of which are excellent.
I expected more from Milked after the rave reviews I saw.

What kind of setups are you guys using?
Milked is a pretty mild-flavoured juice, it's not a very strong or overpowering flavour and I would even call it very mild mild but I enjoyed the bottle I bought, got it on Sunday at about lunch time and it was finished the following evening.
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Thanks @mildly.inked
Problem is that I am not getting ANY flavour at all - None whatsoever. It's like I'm vaping pure VG.
Isn't there supposed to be hints of marshmallow in this juice?
I'm getting absolutely nothing - Quite frustrating....
Thanks @mildly.inked
Problem is that I am not getting ANY flavour at all - None whatsoever. It's like I'm vaping pure VG.
Isn't there supposed to be hints of marshmallow in this juice?
I'm getting absolutely nothing - Quite frustrating....

Yeah that is definitely very weird... my setup was Crown tank with the 0.5ohm coil on a vTc mini in TC mode at about 250 odd deg (40-50w I think). I generally enjoy a warm vape, if I was vaping it in wattage mode with the same coil it would have been around 40-45w.
Thanks @mildly.inked
Problem is that I am not getting ANY flavour at all - None whatsoever. It's like I'm vaping pure VG.
Isn't there supposed to be hints of marshmallow in this juice?
I'm getting absolutely nothing - Quite frustrating....
Hmmm, That's not right.

I use the Subtank with a .5 Ohm coil & The Target Tank with a ceramic coil but I have had this Juice in my Smok TFV4 Mini too and its pretty much the same.
I'm gonna give it a go in my Royal Hunter RDA.
If it's still lifeless after that then well, too band for me guess.
What's worse is that I bought a 100ml.
Its OK at high wattage. But if you are used to Looper it wont do it for you. I like my milky vapes and finishing my bottle of Milked was like punishment.

It makes a good mixer though. Half with DDD is GREAT. I buy both to mix them. In their own...meh... as a combo... HOLY FREAKING NOM.

Milked works well as a mix to almost anything though.

But on its own it was pretty boring to me tbh.

Gave it a fair go, 2 weeks and 2 bottles. Even got a new dripper just for Milked. Repeat. Meh.
As per our emails man try shaking it very well. If you still not winning I will sort you out :--)
Its OK at high wattage. But if you are used to Looper it wont do it for you. I like my milky vapes and finishing my bottle of Milked was like punishment.

It makes a good mixer though. Half with DDD is GREAT. I buy both to mix them. In their own...meh... as a combo... HOLY FREAKING NOM.

Milked works well as a mix to almost anything though.

But on its own it was pretty boring to me tbh.

Gave it a fair go, 2 weeks and 2 bottles. Even got a new dripper just for Milked. Repeat. Meh.

Can I try change your mind on it? Get some Nichrome wire, 24g would be ideal - do a dual coil 3mm ID with about 12 wraps. Then try some Milked in that setup at 90W or around there ;) at the very least you will thank me for introducing you to nichrome (if you haven't already :-D)
Also find Milked and Strawb a bit too mild for my personal taste, but it's not bad at all. Tried it on a lot of different set ups, just not for me. Lots of people love it though so it can only be down to personal taste. Which is why, while I appreciate juice reviews, I find them ultimately useless as the reviewer and my taste might be completely different.

The only way to find out if a juice is good for you is to try it yourself. I have a lot of respect for juice vendors who offer 10ml samples for this very reason. It sucks buying a hyped 30ml juice that just doesn't work for you.
Bought a bottle of Northern Craft Vapes - Milked.
Not impressed at all, not getting any flavour out of it.
Anyone had the same experience with this juice?
I'm running it in a Subtank with a Clapton coil which is reading at 0.8.

it happened to me as well( in tanks) . but now i use it on a dripper and is one of my favourite
Can I try change your mind on it? Get some Nichrome wire, 24g would be ideal - do a dual coil 3mm ID with about 12 wraps. Then try some Milked in that setup at 90W or around there ;) at the very least you will thank me for introducing you to nichrome (if you haven't already :-D)
You already did gwt me onto researching Nichrome hehehe... my budget is a little weak this month with the 'best local juice' votes and me trying a whole stack.

I find Milked perfect for the purposes I put it to tho. A bottle a week gets bought here. Since I discovered using it as a mixer I cant live without it.

Many juices are too overwhelming for me. Also a few are a little 'flat' like DDD. I really appreciate Milked for both toning down strong juices, and adding a 'third dimension' to flat tasting juices.

Try it as a mixer. I know this was not your purpose but wow. Nothing else mixes like this.
Hot waterbathed it..
Shook it up...
Rebuilt the RDA with new coils (Dual Claptons - 26/32)...
Still flavour...tried it at everywhere from 70w to 100w
I really wanna like this juice but I'm just not getting anything.
Perhaps I should take some of the advice here and just use it as a mixer.
Thread moved to "Northern Craft Vapes" subforum
@Vapington, about 50ml through with Milked and its becoming a favourite.

I always assert that to truly test a juice I need 100ml.
Before the halfway mark, it was nice and milky on cooler vapes. Rediscovered the juice on TC yesterday and I must say the juice is exquisite!
Running it on a 2.5mm ID Ni200 single coil at 0.12 ohms and its flavour deluxe!
@Vapington, about 50ml through with Milked and its becoming a favourite.

I always assert that to truly test a juice I need 100ml.
Before the halfway mark, it was nice and milky on cooler vapes. Rediscovered the juice on TC yesterday and I must say the juice is exquisite!
Running it on a 2.5mm ID Ni200 single coil at 0.12 ohms and its flavour deluxe!

Mind if I ask what wattage and temp you running it at?
@Vapington, about 50ml through with Milked and its becoming a favourite.

I always assert that to truly test a juice I need 100ml.
Before the halfway mark, it was nice and milky on cooler vapes. Rediscovered the juice on TC yesterday and I must say the juice is exquisite!
Running it on a 2.5mm ID Ni200 single coil at 0.12 ohms and its flavour deluxe!

Give Strawb a try if you haven't already. It's excellent man
I'm excited to try the whole range...