So, as some of you may know, i've been dying to try some of the infamous Boba's Bounty made by Alien Visions. The reason i was so eager to try it is because thus far, i have tried every vendor in the ecf top 10, except for Alien Visions, as they do not ship internationally. Boba's Bounty won ecf E-liquid of the year 3 years in a row, only to be toppled by Nicotickets H1N1 (which i'm not a huge fan of)) last year.
So finally i got my hands on some, its gonna be a happy Easter weekend
I must admit though, @SunRam spoilt @CVS and myself with a teaser before i got this order 
A review will follow after the Easter weekend.
Ps : dont be mad at me @cvs for not telling you earlier, now i know you will come and visit
So finally i got my hands on some, its gonna be a happy Easter weekend
A review will follow after the Easter weekend.
Ps : dont be mad at me @cvs for not telling you earlier, now i know you will come and visit