What did you Mix today?

Rude Rudi

Vaping Addict
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Not to be outdone by the pics of your "equipment" elsewhere in this forum, I thought that we can start a thread here for the DIY'ers to post what they mixed up over the last couple of days.

This will allow others to get some ideas/inspiration of what is popular at the moment and perhaps discover a new recipe or two.

The idea is not to duplicate recipes or to go into great detail about the flavour nuances, etc it's just a post about what you mixed with a link to the recipe, either form the current E-Liquid Recipes page or the link to ELR, ATF, etc.

If you post a new recipe (not published elsewhere) remember to include the correct manufacturer abbreviation:

TFA or TPA = The Flavor (Perfumer's) Apprentice
CAP = Capella
FA = FlavourArt
FW = Flavor West
LA = LorAnn
FLV = Flavorah
INW = Inawera
NF = NaturesFlavors
CLY = Clyrolinx
JF = Jungle Flavors
RF = Real Flavours
Loc = Loco Flavours
MB = Molinberry
OOO = One on One Flavours
PUR = Purilum
HS = Hangsen
FE = Flavorsexpress
MF = Medicine Flower
TFM = The Flavour Mill
LB = Liquid Barn
WF = Wonder Flavours
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I'll get this going with a marathon mixing session from last night. This is a result of the stunning new twisp cap bottles I received and some epic vape mail containing an assortment of the "first rule of DIY" concentrates I finally pulled the trigger on!

Peppermint Crisp Tart - it just sounds too stunning not to make! An original by @NewOobY
Carrot Cake - in search of me nemesis...
Cinnamon Coffee Cake - I love me a bit of coffee cake - recipe @Huffapuff
Coffee Cake - ditto as posted by @Andre - an original by HIC
Strawnana Ice Cream - an origina recipe by @Kalashnikov
Plum Brulee because it sounds amazing! @rogue zombie
Poptart V5 a use for me Cream Cheese Icing...sweet bliss!
Cronut this one is just orgasmic!
DaMomma's Caramel Coffee Cheesecake on a coffee vibe at the moment...
HIC's Double Caramel Cappuccino ditto!
Lava Smash - as recommended by @RichJB
HIC's Cocoa Cookies when the title is "best chocolate I've ever vaped" you must know...
120 Cream Pop - Sweet tangerine heaven!
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I'll get this going with a marathon mixing session from last night. This is a result of the stunning new twisp cap bottles I received and some epic vape mail containing an assortment of the "first rule of DIY" concentrates I finally pulled the trigger on!

Peppermint Crisp Tart - it just sounds too stunning not to make! An original by @NewOobY
Carrot Cake - in search of me nemesis...
Cinnamon Coffee Cake - I love me a bit of coffee cake - recipe @Huffapuff
Coffee Cake - ditto as posted by @Andre - an original by HIC
Strawnana Ice Cream - an origina recipe by @Kalashnikov
Plum Brulee because it sounds amazing! @rogue zombie
Poptart V5 a use for me Cream Cheese Icing...sweet bliss!
Cronut this one is just orgasmic!
DaMomma's Caramel Coffee Cheesecake on a coffee vibe at the moment...
HIC's Double Caramel Cappuccino ditto!
Lava Smash - as recommended by @RichJB
HIC's Cocoa Cookies when the title is "best chocolate I've ever vaped" you must know...
120 Cream Pop - Sweet tangerine heaven!
Great stuff. I can confirm that for my taste Coffee Cake and Lava Smash are great. Have not tried any of the others - Plum Brulee is steeping though.

Hope a few not yet in the recipe threads make it there once you have evaluated them.
Currently working on a Sour Berries recipe and an interpretation of Tarks Select Reserve Matador. Long way to go.

In the last few days also mixed up:
  1. Farley's Gnarly - bubblegum not usually my taste, but this one sounds vapeable - and for science.
  2. Plum Brulee, because I love INW Smoked Plum and a good Brulee.
  3. Just Cheesecake from my pre-blend, for I can never go without.
  4. HIC's Pfeffernüsse (Peppernut Cookies). I love spicy juices and this one is as spicy as one can get. Added some extra Black Pepper, as suggested, for I cannot get enough of that taste in a juice.
  5. Andre's Mate from my pre-blend to make sure my Reo dedicated to this juice can be re-fueled.
Oh my word, I would kill for something like Matador, as you know :)
Hehe, my first try was mixed on the 2nd of June 2016. It was such an epic fail I gave up immediately. Having now gained some experience decided to give it a go again. Fortunately I have some stash of Matador to compare. At least my latest attempt smells good, not the same but somewhat comparable. I based it on my taste and perceptions of Matador, @Silver's review and the one or two reviews I could find via Google. Really pushing the boundaries on what can go into a tobacco juice. Of course, chances are that it will also be a total flop, but like any true DIYer I remain positive. If only one did not have to wait for it to steep properly, but if I smell it again it will oxidize completely!
Hehe, my first try was mixed on the 2nd of June 2016. It was such an epic fail I gave up immediately. Having now gained some experience decided to give it a go again. Fortunately I have some stash of Matador to compare. At least my latest attempt smells good, not the same but somewhat comparable. I based it on my taste and perceptions of Matador, @Silver's review and the one or two reviews I could find via Google. Really pushing the boundaries on what can go into a tobacco juice. Of course, chances are that it will also be a total flop, but like any true DIYer I remain positive. If only one did not have to wait for it to steep properly, but if I smell it again it will oxidize completely!

Ya with tobaccos I have usually have no idea what type of tobaccos were used.
I'd love a Matador like juice, and a Blackbird type - but I wouldn't know where to start with the tobacco portions.
Oooh - tobaccoes are just lovely - lol @Andre I forgot about the Matador review I did. Hehe

If the more experienced DIY folk can make something that tastes like Witchers Brew Blackbird then I will be very excited indeed...

PS - @Rude Rudi, lovely thread. Will go sticky it now and lets see how it goes.
Its not what i have mixed so far, but looking at the package i received today this SIMPLY CANOLI mean one thing :D
Then i got some CB apple,Fuji apple, CB sour to try my hand at an apple sour vape(My mouth is just watering thinking about it and anticipating that sour punch).
Also decided to get INW milk Chocolate as its only gotten good reviews here. maybe try a chocolate version of the simply canoli recipe with 2% INW milk chocolate.

Its not what i have mixed so far, but looking at the package i received today this SIMPLY CANOLI mean one thing :D
Then i got some CB apple,Fuji apple, CB sour to try my hand at an apple sour vape(My mouth is just watering thinking about it and anticipating that sour punch).
Also decided to get INW milk Chocolate as its only gotten good reviews here. maybe try a chocolate version of the simply canoli recipe with 2% INW milk chocolate.

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What can it simply mean?
I think I need to try this Caroli.

I've never had a real Caroli, so I usually brush over the recipes for juice versions.
I think i had enough of the fruity vapes for now as im not enjoying them as much as before, but find myself craving the more desserty flavours. So this will be my first Dessert DIY.
If mixing with preblends counts then I made these a couple of days ago.

English Blend
Durandts Treachery
Billy The Kid
Wyatt Earp
Apple Bac
Hell's Teeth
Lt Gen Forrest
Cpt Jack Sparrow
Amkara - (I seem to go through a lot of this lately)

All available in my pleasure palace here.

Looking at my empty bottles I need to fill up:-
Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Paradise Plum(Noah's Ark), Grandpa's Pear, LACR, Marlboro and Camel
If mixing with preblends counts then I made these a couple of days ago.

English Blend
Durandts Treachery
Billy The Kid
Wyatt Earp
Apple Bac
Hell's Teeth
Lt Gen Forrest
Cpt Jack Sparrow
Amkara - (I seem to go through a lot of this lately)

All available in my pleasure palace here.

Looking at my empty bottles I need to fill up:-
Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Paradise Plum(Noah's Ark), Grandpa's Pear, LACR, Marlboro and Camel
Made these 2 but got it a few months ago no idée if it have been published.wp_ss_20170228_0003.png


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I have mostly been doing single flavor testing, so I havent had too much time to mix but managed to get a few out
Mixed some new larger batches of some of my ADV's that were running low. Also mixed up a test batch of what will be a new Peaberry Kona Coffee vape that will have honey macadamia notes (I'll probably call it KIN - Kona Island Nut).
Not to be outdone by the pics of your "equipment" elsewhere in this forum, I thought that we can start a thread here for the DIY'ers to post what they mixed up over the last couple of days.

This will allow others to get some ideas/inspiration of what is popular at the moment and perhaps discover a new recipe or two.

The idea is not to duplicate recipes or to go into great detail about the flavour nuances, etc it's just a post about what you mixed with a link to the recipe, either form the current E-Liquid Recipes page or the link to ELR, ATF, etc.

If you post a new recipe (not published elsewhere) remember to include the correct manufacturer abbreviation:

TFA or TPA = The Flavor (Perfumer's) Apprentice
CAP = Capella
FA = FlavourArt
FW = Flavor West
LA = LorAnn
FLV = Flavorah
INW = Inawera
NF = NaturesFlavors
CLY = Clyrolinx
JF = Jungle Flavors
RF = Real Flavours
Loc = Loco Flavours

@Silver please consider making this a STICKY post for easy reference for all.
Could use some advice. I mixed a simple Caramel Cheesecake recipe (2flavor) and it is not a bad vape.In fact I like it enough that I want to mix some Strawberry Cheesecake.I have Strawberry cream,Strawberry sweet and regular Strawberry.any suggestions as to which I should use. I also have Strawberry Cheesecake Graham Crackers Crust. I guess I can try small batches of each but I'm interested in anyone's opinion.
Could use some advice. I mixed a simple Caramel Cheesecake recipe (2flavor) and it is not a bad vape.In fact I like it enough that I want to mix some Strawberry Cheesecake.I have Strawberry cream,Strawberry sweet and regular Strawberry.any suggestions as to which I should use. I also have Strawberry Cheesecake Graham Crackers Crust. I guess I can try small batches of each but I'm interested in anyone's opinion.
You certainly need TFA Strawberry Ripe - no respectable DIYer is ever without:cool:. Here is a simple Strawberry Cheesecake, which I think is very popular. That is the one you recommend too @RichJB?
I had 2 fabulous mixing sessions this week:

Night Cap Cream - lightly spiced butter-cookie
Biscuits and Jam - a fantastic butter biscuit topped with sweet strawberry jam
Bronuts - I added 2% Bavarian cream to pimp this classic up and break the monotonousness

One Milk To Rule Them All by Boogenshizzle - This is by far the best Strawberry milk I have EVER had. It tastes just like strawberry Sterri Stumpie and best of all - no VBIC!
Royal Butterscotch - a winner by NotCharlesManson desribed as "creamy vanilla butterscotch drops"
3 Dough Nuts: Simple Vanilla Glazed Donut - An easy three ingredient vanilla glazed donut

Fantastic......... A FANTASIA REMIX - a delicious Fanta Orange
Wayne's Milk - a cheeky strawberry milk by Wayne
The Creamy Cuban - my first bacco recipe - smells amazing!