VAPECON 2019 - brought to you by ECIGSSA
Hearfelt Arena - Pretoria
31 August & 1 September 2019
31 August & 1 September 2019
Event Sponsors: h2vape, Hashtag Vapes, Vape King
HEADLINE SPECIALSWe asked the exhibitors to submit to us an AMAZING special they will be running at VapeCon 2019
We asked for just one special. Or one for Saturday and one for Sunday. That we could market on their behalf prior to the event.
These are just the "headline" specials. Many exhibitors will likely announce additional specials and competitions themselves in their own subforums and other channels.
These specials are to get the spirit going and whet our appetites! So keep your eyes on this thread and lets get an idea of what's lined up for us....
A BIG thank you to all the exhibitors that took part in this process.
VapeCon 2019 is going to be INCREDIBLE