Stinkies are from hell MR Deedz does it MTL


Vaping Enthusiast
Gauteng, South Africa
Whats up Vape fam. Its been a while since I was active here. Reasons being I am back on the stinkies full force for about 3 months :facepalm::MEEH:.
I quit stinkies for 3 years and switch to Vaping (Dripping) , smoking only when boozing. now that i quite the booze completely I found myself hooked on the stinkies again, Been trying to quit and only lasting 2 days max on Vaping then i am back on the crap, So yeah, Raised a concern to myself as I am now smoking over a 20 a day. Not sure if I should try going old school with Pod Devices AGAIN as the dripper just aint doing it anymore. Not a fan of Nic Salts though, prefer MTL. its tough being a flavor chaser and now I am not sure what to do, many attempts and failed in the past few weeks but I am desperate now.
Current Devices:
Dual Batt Mod & Drop Dead RDA
Artery PAL II
This is quite a difficult situation because you quit them for 3 years, i don't understand how you can smoke a cigg after vaping for so long, i quit Smoking around a year and 3 months ago and i cant even smoke a cigg anymore, i honestly dont know what you could do besides get a proper mtl tank for your mod and buy 12mg juice, it should help to get off those stinkies.
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Been trying to quit and only lasting 2 days max on Vaping then i am back on the crap,

@MrDeedz I'm really interested in why vaping doesn't cut it for you. There are some people who keep going back to stinkies and I wonder what the reason is. If you're vaping a high nic, your body won't be craving nic, so what is it then?

As for advice, you said you're not a fan of nic salts. Again, what is the reason? But - if you could get over that, then I'd recommend the Twisp CLIQ (has disposable pod filled with nic salts). A friend of mine tried it and he said the draw is just like that of a cigarette.
But if you really are against nic salts then my advice won't help, will it?

I would appreciate it if you could try to give feedback as to why you can't quit stinkies. I don't mean this as a criticism of you at all. It's important for all of us to understand the tenacious hold that stinkies play, even when they're replaced by vaping.
I can't really comment on your return to smoking because I luckily managed to quit after more than 30 years of smoking 20 + per day. I haven't smoked a cigarette for more than 5 years now.

I would imagine that your best bet would be MTL with high nic initially.

I am tagging @MrGSmokeFree for you because he is essentially an experienced MTL vaper with crazy high nic (18). He will perhaps be able to suggest the best tank and juices for you. The new MTL tanks are apparently way better than the older versions.

Best of luck to you.
@MrDeedz I'm really interested in why vaping doesn't cut it for you. There are some people who keep going back to stinkies and I wonder what the reason is. If you're vaping a high nic, your body won't be craving nic, so what is it then?

As for advice, you said you're not a fan of nic salts. Again, what is the reason? But - if you could get over that, then I'd recommend the Twisp CLIQ (has disposable pod filled with nic salts). A friend of mine tried it and he said the draw is just like that of a cigarette.
But if you really are against nic salts then my advice won't help, will it?

I would appreciate it if you could try to give feedback as to why you can't quit stinkies. I don't mean this as a criticism of you at all. It's important for all of us to understand the tenacious hold that stinkies play, even when they're replaced by vaping.

I never vaped or should I say dripped high nic, only 3 or 2 mg, There are devices like U-Well Caliburn or Vladdin that I was thinking of getting, DO those devices use Nic Salts? Doesnt help that I share a house with smokers and every body smokers indoors so yeah the toxic smell gets you back easily lol
Ok I am a but clueless when you guys say MTL tanks? You guys mean RTA's? I have never been a fan of RTA's due to wicking being such a bI@tch and i preferred a hot wet type of vape, thats why i dripped
I never vaped or should I say dripped high nic, only 3 or 2 mg, There are devices like U-Well Caliburn or Vladdin that I was thinking of getting, DO those devices use Nic Salts? Doesnt help that I share a house with smokers and every body smokers indoors so yeah the toxic smell gets you back easily lol

Any pod device uses nic salts.
Aha! Sharing a house with smokers must make it very difficult!!
@MrDeedz I don't like nic salts and I don't have a pod device. I think you must just find that one juice that will do it for you to forget about the :smoke: .

My one juice is Twisp Cubano. It has been 3 years since I touched a :smoke: the last time and I will never touch them again because of this juice.

I prefer MTL vaping but do DL vaping as well and it works for me.

Give the Exvape expromizer v4 MTL tank a try ( Awesome rta) and some Cubano and give it a shot. Some people love Cubano or they hate it but it works for me.
A Post where I think I might actually be able to help. I had exactly the same set-back. Last year June I went on a trip to Botswana with some mates of mine, a yearly trip that we do to watch the Toyota Desert 1000 Rally. One of the nights got a little 'boozier' than normal (like these kind of me-away-from-home-trips do :facepalm: ) and being without a charged vape and well under the influence, i bummed a cig off a mate (equally sloshed) and lit up. Next day, first "Dop" lit up another. and so started the descend.

Only did it when I drank (as to somehow convince myself that it was OK and that I could quit anytime o_O ) and vaped the rest of the time,I officially "Quit" again on the 30th of December last year. This is a far stretch from where I was almost 3 years ago smoking 1.5-2 Packs a day, but it was enough to affect my taste, my breathing, my health, and it upset SWAMBO terribly( She gave up 4-years ago, cold turkey) I was very quiet on the forum since my return from Botswana, most probably a guilty conscience, as I didn't feel I could advise anybody on anything, still smoking myself.

High Nic is your friend, believe me, it gets those cravings down much quicker than all the big clouds in the world can. get something crazy simple and easy to use. Most people will advise a rebuildable MTL RTA or RDA, or an AIO device for MTL to save money and give you more options. But in essence for me, it's not about saving money or options, i had/have a craving to kill. My first recommendation to most people is a Twisp Cue with the Tobacco Pod, it's 18mg e-liquid, it's draw activated, it has a great throat hit, its basically in my humble opinion the closest vape that you will ever get to dragging on an analog cigarette (even when "Dopping") It's ease of use, buy a pod and put it in, no fuss approach helps a lot, because fumbling with wicks and fill ports and getting juice everywhere is frustrating-AF. Frustration opens you up to rather just take the easy route and light up, "I will quit after this one..." My Cue went for a baptism the other day and it is the first thing that this 458-day Month's paycheck will buy, a brand new Cue. I have the Cliq, I have a couple MTL RTA's, but I still want my Cue back.

Dude, it's not easy, and if it was, nobody would be smoking. It's not the nicotine, nicotine is in all our vape juices as well, its the other crap in Cigs that keeps you hooked. I know people will say that Cigs taste like shit, but if you are throat deep in a bottle :borra2:, the first one doesn't taste that bad, and the rest don't taste bad either. I'm on day 22 now of being stinkie-free again, and it feels great, it's totally worth it. I hope you win this battle. Good luck @MrDeedz
Hi @MrDeedz

Strength to you and it’s great that you reaching out for some help and advice.

Not sure what will help but allow me to offer some thoughts, comments and suggestions

Firstly, you were successful on the vaping for a long time other than when boozing. So that’s a great thing. Now that you off the booze you just need to figure it out but if boozing caused you to smoke and you don’t booze anymore, that should be a good thing.

Second, don’t worry about it. Just try and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you find the right setups it will be a matter of time.

My suggestion would be to go for MTL with high Nic juices. Say 12 or even 18mg. I suggest 50/50 PG/VG.
There are some juicemakers that can mix you 12 or 18mg juices such as Vapour Mountain and All Day Vapes for example. Another solution is just get some 48mg Gold Nic from BLCK or even 100mg Nic and you can Nic up any 6mg juice you like without too much flavour dilution. I suggest freebase normal Nic juices and nicotine because it has more throat hit. If you get extra nicotine to Nic up other juices I suggest PG based Nic. The PG helps with the throat hit.

If you like menthol, get some menthol concentrate (from Vapour MountainJ or other suppliers. A few drops of that added to a tobacco or fruity juice can make it pop and transform it quite a lot. If you like menthol that is. I do this all the time and it has helped me. Also helps with the throat satisfaction for me.

As for devices, the refillable pods I suppose are doable but a good MTL RTA is going to help you. Much better flavour and throat hit potential. Don’t worry about the wicking. There are a number of tanks that are very easy to wick.

For example I use the Rose MTL tank with the supplied coils it came with (am on the third of four coils provided in the box). It’s so easy to wick, have been using it for a long time with Havana Nightz (tobacco, nicced up and menthol added) from Joose-e-Liqz to great effect. There are several other good MTL tanks available, my Rose MTL is quite an old tank now - doubt its available. But check with @BumbleBee from The Vape Guy, he can also help and assist and will probably also have good juice options for you.

I think a lot has to do with getting two great setups and a few great juices you like.

If you need more help , let us know, we will try advise further.

Wishing you all the best and holding thumbs for you
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Whats up Vape fam. Its been a while since I was active here. Reasons being I am back on the stinkies full force for about 3 months :facepalm::MEEH:.
I quit stinkies for 3 years and switch to Vaping (Dripping) , smoking only when boozing. now that i quite the booze completely I found myself hooked on the stinkies again, Been trying to quit and only lasting 2 days max on Vaping then i am back on the crap, So yeah, Raised a concern to myself as I am now smoking over a 20 a day. Not sure if I should try going old school with Pod Devices AGAIN as the dripper just aint doing it anymore. Not a fan of Nic Salts though, prefer MTL. its tough being a flavor chaser and now I am not sure what to do, many attempts and failed in the past few weeks but I am desperate now.
Current Devices:
Dual Batt Mod & Drop Dead RDA
Artery PAL II

My brother get a Twisp Cue and tobacco pods.
If it's not enough get a Twisp Cliq and tobacco pods.
This is the best thing that could happen to a converting smoker. Many will say get this juice, get that atty but it doesn't work for all converts.
The surest way is Twisp the others might work but this is a sure thing.
And I'm not saying this because I get paid to say it. Many heavy use stinky converts will say the same thing.
Then the tank that goes well with a convert is the Nautilus with bvc coils.
Then the Twisp Vega tank.
The juice @MrGSmokeFree suggest I didn't try yet but I am so sure about the Twisp tobacco that I want to try it and ,the Royale. the new juice they got hitting the shelves.
And when you conquer this cravings then switch back to dripping with a juice of choice.
You will also get alot of suggestions from members so before you decide which route you want to try next browse through old posts and see whats being said.
So I'm with @Dela Rey Steyn and @MrGSmokeFree on this one.
The jucies @Silver recommends I have not tried so I can't comment but I'm sure that will also be good choices.
And don't worry about the relapse, bad things happen and the way forward it to realise and put it behind you.
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I tried Havana nights. It's nice but it's more a desert tobacco. You might like it
My dad is currently in a similar situation but finding satisfaction with the Smok Novo 2 Pod Device. He loves the Joose E Liqz Arabica Latte 3mg.

I myself quit smoking after 10 years, around 2.5 years ago. Currently on a dual mod with a single coil rta and I tried his Novo 2, and it is a very satisfying vape which sort of simulates smoking.

Maybe give it a try. Only costs R360 at Vape Junction + juice costs.

Sent from my MAR-LX1M using Tapatalk
I never vaped or should I say dripped high nic, only 3 or 2 mg, There are devices like U-Well Caliburn or Vladdin that I was thinking of getting, DO those devices use Nic Salts? Doesnt help that I share a house with smokers and every body smokers indoors so yeah the toxic smell gets you back easily lol

You can vape high Nic in an rda/RTA made for DL.
You just have to dial down the wattage to very low to say maybe 10 watts wat dial up from there to where it give you a nice vape.
A Post where I think I might actually be able to help. I had exactly the same set-back. Last year June I went on a trip to Botswana with some mates of mine, a yearly trip that we do to watch the Toyota Desert 1000 Rally. One of the nights got a little 'boozier' than normal (like these kind of me-away-from-home-trips do :facepalm: ) and being without a charged vape and well under the influence, i bummed a cig off a mate (equally sloshed) and lit up. Next day, first "Dop" lit up another. and so started the descend.

Only did it when I drank (as to somehow convince myself that it was OK and that I could quit anytime o_O ) and vaped the rest of the time,I officially "Quit" again on the 30th of December last year. This is a far stretch from where I was almost 3 years ago smoking 1.5-2 Packs a day, but it was enough to affect my taste, my breathing, my health, and it upset SWAMBO terribly( She gave up 4-years ago, cold turkey) I was very quiet on the forum since my return from Botswana, most probably a guilty conscience, as I didn't feel I could advise anybody on anything, still smoking myself.

High Nic is your friend, believe me, it gets those cravings down much quicker than all the big clouds in the world can. get something crazy simple and easy to use. Most people will advise a rebuildable MTL RTA or RDA, or an AIO device for MTL to save money and give you more options. But in essence for me, it's not about saving money or options, i had/have a craving to kill. My first recommendation to most people is a Twisp Cue with the Tobacco Pod, it's 18mg e-liquid, it's draw activated, it has a great throat hit, its basically in my humble opinion the closest vape that you will ever get to dragging on an analog cigarette (even when "Dopping") It's ease of use, buy a pod and put it in, no fuss approach helps a lot, because fumbling with wicks and fill ports and getting juice everywhere is frustrating-AF. Frustration opens you up to rather just take the easy route and light up, "I will quit after this one..." My Cue went for a baptism the other day and it is the first thing that this 458-day Month's paycheck will buy, a brand new Cue. I have the Cliq, I have a couple MTL RTA's, but I still want my Cue back.

Dude, it's not easy, and if it was, nobody would be smoking. It's not the nicotine, nicotine is in all our vape juices as well, its the other crap in Cigs that keeps you hooked. I know people will say that Cigs taste like shit, but if you are throat deep in a bottle :borra2:, the first one doesn't taste that bad, and the rest don't taste bad either. I'm on day 22 now of being stinkie-free again, and it feels great, it's totally worth it. I hope you win this battle. Good luck @MrDeedz
Wow we are cut from the same cloth brother LOL. I was actually thinking of tobacco juice in an RDA, The twisp did cross my mind but we all know how we all bantered TWISP back in the day lol, But I cant lie the Twisp Clearo is what got me off ciggies back in the day, With that Tobacco juice that had a woody taste to me and the only tobacco juice i could enjoy, Think I, gona get a twisp cue on payday and give it a bash. i might need 3 Cues if it works lol, addict behavior, always needed back ups on backups and i dont think the cue battery lasts long, thanks for the post and honesty, Much appreciated
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Hi @MrDeedz

Strength to you and it’s great that you reaching out for some help and advice.

Not sure what will help but allow me to offer some thoughts, comments and suggestions

Firstly, you were successful on the vaping for a long time other than when boozing. So that’s a great thing. Now that you off the booze you just need to figure it out but if boozing caused you to smoke and you don’t booze anymore, that should be a good thing.

Second, don’t worry about it. Just try and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you find the right setups it will be a matter of time.

My suggestion would be to go for MTL with high Nic juices. Say 12 or even 18mg. I suggest 50/50 PG/VG.
There are some juicemakers that can mix you 12 or 18mg juices such as Vapour Mountain and All Day Vapes for example. Another solution is just get some 48mg Gold Nic from BLCK or even 100mg Nic and you can Nic up any 6mg juice you like without too much flavour dilution. I suggest freebase normal Nic juices and nicotine because it has more throat hit. If you get extra nicotine to Nic up other juices I suggest PG based Nic. The PG helps with the throat hit.

If you like menthol, get some menthol concentrate (from Vapour MountainJ or other suppliers. A few drops of that added to a tobacco or fruity juice can make it pop and transform it quite a lot. If you like menthol that is. I do this all the time and it has helped me. Also helps with the throat satisfaction for me.

As for devices, the refillable pods I suppose are doable but a good MTL RTA is going to help you. Much better flavour and throat hit potential. Don’t worry about the wicking. There are a number of tanks that are very easy to wick.

For example I use the Rose MTL tank with the supplied coils it came with (am on the third of four coils provided in the box). It’s so easy to wick, have been using it for a long time with Havana Nightz (tobacco, nicced up and menthol added) from Joose-e-Liqz to great effect. There are several other good MTL tanks available, my Rose MTL is quite an old tank now - doubt its available. But check with @BumbleBee from The Vape Guy, he can also help and assist and will probably also have good juice options for you.

I think a lot has to do with getting two great setups and a few great juices you like.

If you need more help , let us know, we will try advise further.

Wishing you all the best and holding thumbs for you

Hey brother man. long time. Thanks for the insight, I will leave the death by Menthol to you and Rob lol, Menthol aint my thing, Havannah Nights is the only decent tobacco Freebase Juice for me personally. Was never a baccy fan tho.. You can hardly ever go wrong with a JEL juice by Naeem. I think Im gona rock a bottle of havannah nights in the RDA and a Twisp Cue during the day. weirdly so I hate those ciggies with the balls in them to pop or any flavours stinkie but yet I vaped some fruits and many deserts lol, so Ironic. Thanks man it wasnt easy reaching out and shameful but will never give up on trying to quit again. just gets harder each time u fall to get back up
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Has anyone tried this or seen a review on it.
Craving Vapor Jynx Mod

Cartel had it on special last month and I see VK has it now dirt cheap, but the low price makes me think its not that a great device.

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Hey brother man. long time. Thanks for the insight, I will leave the death by Menthol to you and Rob lol, Menthol aint my thing, Havannah Nights is the only decent tobacco Freebase Juice for me personally. Was never a baccy fan tho.. You can hardly ever go wrong with a JEL juice by Naeem. I think Im gona rock a bottle of havannah nights in the RDA and a Twisp Cue during the day. weirdly so I hate those ciggies with the balls in them to pop or any flavours stinkie but yet I vaped some fruits and many deserts lol, so Ironic. Thanks man it wasnt easy reaching out and shameful but will never give up on trying to quit again. just gets harder each time u fall to get back up
Hi Meneer, there is no shame or guilt if you relapse, respect to you for asking for advice, takes a really big man, including @Constantbester to own up to a relapse and ask for help and info and then take responsibility to fix it. Just keep on getting up, secret to success.

I have heard great things of the Calburn pod as well, think @Grand Guru and @Resistance ? use them, nearest to a cig like draw apparently, but my first mod was also a Twisp Clearo with Tobacco juice. Big thing is the correct nic level juice in a flavour you enjoy , and it seems you may need a 12+ to 18 to start on. Head rush central. I have vaped some Havana Nights, great juice, and tried Rodeo which I love as a evening vape from Mr Hardwicks @method1 , a NET that is reminiscent to me of a more pipe style tobacco, as well as Redwood by Pied Piper @GSM500 , also pure bliss. Stay on a higher nic level for longer and slowly back off, a lot of us go down too fast and then have a problem with satisfaction, and keep a high nic for going out, and take a spare charged battery or device.

Good luck with your journey and success starts with the first step, mental readiness. Keep us informed and keep on giving feedback, we are all rooting for you. Can’t wait to hear of your first ciggy free day and vape only.

I have a another Q, Caliburn and Valddin take NIC salts or can u use MTL juice in them? I have an artery Pal II which i use sometimes but with MTL juice, Am i doing it totally wrong
I have a another Q, Caliburn and Valddin take NIC salts or can u use MTL juice in them? I have an artery Pal II which i use sometimes but with MTL juice, Am i doing it totally wrong
You can use regular Freebase High Nic MTL juices in both those devices. your Pal II can be used with both Nic Salts and Freebase
I have a another Q, Caliburn and Valddin take NIC salts or can u use MTL juice in them? I have an artery Pal II which i use sometimes but with MTL juice, Am i doing it totally wrong
You can use freebase in those pod systems if it makes you happy. On the other hand you shouldn’t put Nic salts in high power devices.
I have a another Q, Caliburn and Valddin take NIC salts or can u use MTL juice in them? I have an artery Pal II which i use sometimes but with MTL juice, Am i doing it totally wrong

I can highly recommend the Caliburn especially if you are a flavour chaser @MrDeedz .
It's as good as a MTL RTA and ease of use and longevity of coils (2-3 weeks) it's been out for a year or more and is still rated as one of the best (to me it's still the best) pod systems on the market.

I use Nic Salts eliquid on it but you can use MTL freebase eliquid if you want.
But i get a much more satisfying hit with Nic Salts taking slow long drags.
@MrDeedz , I started vaping with a Twisp Clearo and later added a Nautilus mini on a Vision Spinner (not rebuildables).

I smoked 60+ cigs per day and the only way I managed to stay off the stinkies was to puff like crazy on my 2 devices whenever the urge hit.
That was the key for me staying away from cigs - whenever the urge to smoke hit, I would chain vape like crazy until it subsided.
I was recharging those batteries 3-4 times per day EACH, but it worked for me.

High nic juice is also a MUST.

All the best.

Does anyone know if the TWISP juices are Salts or Free Base NIC, on the Cue what is the NIC strength, I cant see it online.
Twisp has the CLIQ now as well, Is this better then the Cue? Sorry for all the Q's. Friday morning its will def be a TWISP or CALIBURN.
Does anyone know if the TWISP juices are Salts or Free Base NIC, on the Cue what is the NIC strength, I cant see it online.
Twisp has the CLIQ now as well, Is this better then the Cue? Sorry for all the Q's. Friday morning its will def be a TWISP or CALIBURN.

Twisp juices are currently all Freebase liquids. The Cue uses Freebase Liquid Pods and the Cliq Pods are the only Nic Salt in their range to date. @Mic Lazzari @HPBotha