BP Mods Sure RTA

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
BP Mods also sent me the Sure RTA (Gravity fed) RTA. Bottom fill but I like that... my Bill Drip Tips don't work because of the shape at the top but the one it comes with works. Also great flavour.
BP Mods Sure RTA 01.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 02.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 03.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 04.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 05.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 06.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 07.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 08.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 09.jpgBP Mods Sure RTA 10.jpg
Good looking tank @Rob Fisher how many air slots on the base of the tank are there? is it two or three?
The Sure RTA has passed the testing with flying colours so the tall tank has been unpacked and filled! The Sure is going into daily use!
Sure RTA Tall 2.jpg
I prefer the Bishop to my Sure but maybe I just can't get over the deck and gravity fed design are 100% ripped off from the Bishop but they are not on their own about 4 manufacturers have copied the design now! However I do find the airflow is more user friendly coming from below rather than angled from the side from the point of view just pick the insert to suit rather than with the Bishop the coil height is much more important!
I prefer the Bishop to my Sure but maybe I just can't get over the deck and gravity fed design are 100% ripped off from the Bishop but they are not on their own about 4 manufacturers have copied the design now! However I do find the airflow is more user friendly coming from below rather than angled from the side from the point of view just pick the insert to suit rather than with the Bishop the coil height is much more important!

Haven't tried the Bishop.

I do like the bottom fill of the Sure... and the airflow is nice and smooth.
Haven't tried the Bishop.

I do like the bottom fill of the Sure... and the airflow is nice and smooth.
All that's the same, it doesn't surprise me you like the Sure (I do also just prefer the Bishop) and it probably does out perform the Bishop with a more open RDL at higher wattage but with a tighter RDL and MTL it's the Bishop for me!
Very similar vape! But airflow and flavour are good enough to join the Dvarw Army!
It's your fault I am selling all my rtas I am getting rid of all to buy one dvarw fl dl that's all I want any advice on how to import it
It's your fault I am selling all my rtas I am getting rid of all to buy one dvarw fl dl that's all I want any advice on how to import it

Importing from KHW Mods in Hungary is a simple and very fast process. Go onto the website and order what you want and select DHL shipping. In less than a week DHL will make contact for with to pay the documentation and Vat charges and they will deliver to your door.

Just for the record, my Dvarw collection is the original Dvarw DL and not the FL version. I'm not a fan of the FL's airflow.
My sure rta and small mtl tank section is arriving tomorrow will post a review as well
I prefer the Bishop to my Sure but maybe I just can't get over the deck and gravity fed design are 100% ripped off from the Bishop but they are not on their own about 4 manufacturers have copied the design now! However I do find the airflow is more user friendly coming from below rather than angled from the side from the point of view just pick the insert to suit rather than with the Bishop the coil height is much more important!
Where did you order your bishop from? Can't find it locally
Good tight mtl 1mm pin, good flavour, almost silent draw this is a winner, the tank is a bit fiddly with the tank release notches and the marking could be better on the tank section, but for a day 1 first build, dead easy to build on, running mango nic salts at 25 MG on a 0.7mm build using superfine mtl vandy vape Clapton at.2.5mm
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I have gone back to this and as I am much more a specialised MTL vaper these days I am very underwhelmed! It is claimed this is specially designed for MTL, RDL & DL which actually translates to they just toss a shit load of airflow inserts in the box! The design is RDL and it excels in this area giving a cracking smooth flavoursome vape!

The drip tip is not the tightest fit and the bore is not suited for MTL apart from a very loose manufactured MTL vape, I also find swapping for a more suitable tip isn't straight forward due to most fitting too loosely and the shape of the top of the tank and even taking a MTL vape with one loosely fitted with the 1.4 insert helps but with the chimney itself matching the RDL suited bore of the supplied drip tip the vape is no longer so smooth and it's no match for any of my more specialised MTL RTA's for flavour! As for the smaller inserts from my testing no point them even being included, this ain't great at MTL!

The DL claim is even further pie in the sky, this will not come close to satisfying someone who likes big open draws with zero restriction. Another thing that annoys me is the slightest of weeping around it's joints, it's not pooled by any stretch of the imagination or causes a mess or e-liquid to get onto your mod but just tiny drops appear from time to time around it's joints which are as much an OCD mare as much as anything!

So my findings are this is a jack of all trades (and that's being optimistic) but only master of one but if it falls in your wheelhouse you will be very happy!