Recent content by Kyle Maneveldt

  1. Kyle Maneveldt

    Temp Sensing Check in

    Loving it ☁ Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
  2. Kyle Maneveldt

    Temp Sensing Check in

  3. Kyle Maneveldt

    Trade or sell

    I'll take the Atlantis if its still available?
  4. Kyle Maneveldt

    KangerTech SUBTANK Plus

    Still available?
  5. Kyle Maneveldt

    Need help choosing a TC mod

    Hey vapers. So I'm really stuck at the moment.. I'm wanting to upgrade to a box mod and preferably temperature control.. I've been trying to decide and I'm having alot of trouble making a final decision. I've been looking at the Smok M80, IPV4S, Evic VT and the IPV3 Li Need help on deciding...
  6. Kyle Maneveldt

    Need Help

    Hey vapers. So I'm really stuck at the moment.. I'm wanting to upgrade to a box mod and preferably temperature control.. I've been trying to decide and I'm having alot of trouble making a final decision. I've been looking at the Smok M80, IPV4S, Evic VT and the IPV3 Li Need help on deciding...
  7. Kyle Maneveldt


    What are your views on ordering from FastTech? Do they really take as long as people say they do? What are your experiences with ordering from them? Advice for ordering with them? Thanks, Kyle :wasntme:
  8. Kyle Maneveldt

    First Sale. Big one. (Includes Provari3)

    Is the stainless steel SMPL still available? If it is i'll take it :)