Recent content by SessionDrummer

  1. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini PureMax 2 Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thank you @Old_Goat. I can't really give you a pod comparison, as I am not a "podder", and don't use them, but can still compare them to my DTL, and MTL setups.
  2. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini PureMax 2 Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Ready for testing ... Two of the FIRST things I noticed during testing was the haptic feedback when not only inserting pod, but also when your juice levels were going low. Also the 0.96" Display seemed a little bit brighter than the previous model's .. Testing/Usage: Having spent a...
  3. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini PureMax 2 Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thanks out again, to David from SXmini for sending this nex gen Yihi SXmini PureMax2 out for review. This is the next generation of the previous PureMax that I reviewed here . With an increased battery size, max wattage, and improved PX Pods with juice flow shutoff, I was looking forward to...
  4. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini MQ Class Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    @Resistance yes it does !!!!! And, that's where this comes in .........
  5. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini MQ Class Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thank you very much @Resistance.
  6. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini MQ Class Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thanks a lot out to David from SXmini for sending this out for review. In the world of "Bigger is always better", this MQ Class mod looked to challenge that mindset. Let's get into it, and...
  7. SessionDrummer

    Vaperz Cloud Osiris Mini 25mm RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer Bonus As always, for any of you, that have actually made it ALL the way down here, I salute you, and thanks for giving me some of your time, and reading this review. As always, some bonus shots for the faithful.
  8. SessionDrummer

    Vaperz Cloud Osiris Mini 25mm RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Comparison of the stock vs. Extension straight glass. The Osiris just looks better running the larger glass. And yes, after my initial tests, I DID do a direct A/B comparison to my SteamCrave Supreme. Testing Usage There was a slight learning curve with this one, and although it was...
  9. SessionDrummer

    Vaperz Cloud Osiris Mini 25mm RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Side view of the coils. Pulsed, stroked, pinched, and all hot spots eliminated. With the 5 wrap coils I chose, I did have to wrap the tails back just a bit to land in the wells. I trimmed the tail even with the bottom of the wells, and thinned them so they were snug, but not packed...
  10. SessionDrummer

    Vaperz Cloud Osiris Mini 25mm RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Inside of the domed chimney section with 4 juice flow ports. Build deck with screws and 9 air flow ports (per side) visible. Dual airflow ports, and the deck locking tab (more on this later). Closeup of the screws, and airflow ports. Topside with the coil leg screws retracted...
  11. SessionDrummer

    Vaperz Cloud Osiris Mini 25mm RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    A big thanks out to @Lynda_Marie who turned me onto Vaperz Cloud, their 25mm Osiris Mini RTA, and the Extension Kit. No funding, no sponsoring, and no #TeamFreeShit here people, so you'll get the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Well, you would have gotten that anyways, but you knew that already...
  12. SessionDrummer

    What did you Mix today?

    I couldn't agree more @Intuthu Kagesi. I still use it, but I'm currently moved over to Silverline... Frooty McLoops : 8.00% Fruit Circles (SilverLine) (CAP) 0.08% Lemon (MF) 1.50% Meringue (FA) 0.40% Super Sweet...
  13. SessionDrummer

    Flavor Artists flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thanks for taking the time to read these reviews. It was a new flavor house for me, and with the ones I picked, they were pretty good. I either chose ones that were recommended, or the top sellers on the Flavor Artists website. I can see picking up some bigger bottles of the good ones, and I...