Just wondering if there is anyone who is interested in the Dead Rabbit Pro RDA?
It's been out for a couple months now, but there has been no talk about it. Even local vendors seem like they won't be bringing it in.
Happened to me before.
Did you use the tip of the cutter to snip wire? (That's how mine broke)
I got another pair and only use the back of the cutting edges to cut now and not the tip. Been all good since then.
That looks like a ribbon cable issue. Data or voltage lines are compromised. The video did show juice leaking in and causing issue on the soldered ribbon cable.
If you handy with a soldering iron you could just try reflow the solder and clean up any juice if there is. Not much to loose since...
@YeOldeOke Hi, just wondering if you would be willing to bring in a a topside dual replacement body and replacement battery door. Since you already stock some Dovpo products and they offer it on their actual website as a product. It is pretty niche, but I have a perfectly fine topside dual which...
I've also had a nitecore charge fail on me.
Could most definitely also be a sign of a charger starting to die. Especially if its several years old.
Some chargers won't charge batts either if the internal resistance is too high (from an aged batt or high mileage cycled batt) for safety reasons...
You can usually visually inspect if a CID has popped, Just look under the positive terminal and between the terminal legs and see if it is concave or convex. If it's convex and upwards like a mountain then it has popped.
I would NOT try and push it back down to get it to make contact again...