Recent content by Vape SA

  1. Vape SA

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi All, Great forum and even better folk! I'm Gordon I'm a manager of an electronic access control company and the owner of Vape SA. Got my first "cig-a-like" in 2008, 2 spare batteries and a 2 x 10ml bottles of juice for a whopping R 1500 bucks! Managed to quit for 48 days. Was also down to...
  2. Vape SA

    Weekly Poll: If Government Banned Nicotine In Eliquid

    Thanks. We are definitely keen on adding anything from our side if at all possible. @Gizmo, welcome to mail me with the info.
  3. Vape SA

    Weekly Poll: If Government Banned Nicotine In Eliquid

    Hi Guys, Its a pity that my first post on this forum is about the subject I hate most. Vape Politics. Now Im not sure If I can speak for all the vendors and vapers on this forum but we are inevitably faced with a double edged sword. Us as vapers are starting a noticeable movement towards an...
  4. Vape SA

    Happy Vaping!

    Happy Vaping!