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  1. Casper

    Tonight's (9Dec) News

    To be dead honest. I quit smoking for 7 years, and then vape once, I loved that feeling of the lung hit that I craved so much, that I actually went back to the fag.
  2. Casper

    Show us your Pit Stop

    Lolol that is the WHOLE truth @Petrus Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
  3. Casper

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    WOW a nice array of MMM there!!
  4. Casper

    Custom made Proudly SA Mod

    Stunning device!!!
  5. Casper

    Upgrade: Nebox, Reuleaux Rx200, Koopor Plus 200?

    Guys please assist me. I'm currently on a eVic VTC with a Kbox SubTank Mini. and Yes, OMW I love my device, but I want to cure this "itchy" feeling to upgrade to a bit bigger device. My options are: Kangertech NEBOX Reuleaux RX200 Koopor Plus 200 Guys, I need the Pro's and Cons on these devs...