@Gazzacpt yea its an effort to control what is basically a free market.
They want their cut.
Just more people trying to claim and control the market ... Lame
I agree though, impossible to enforce, already hundreds of these devices out there and still many to come and you may send as many law...
If they were truly experts they would not be trying to rename vaping, They would also not be so paranoid...
Seriously wtf is wrong with my vaping? I do it mostly in privacy, I DO NOT SHARE WITH CHILDREN, I don't let children watch me vape .
I don't walk into this "experts" house and tell him...
haha thats and idea ;D but one thing at a time lol
@Oupa will be providing a creme soda vape as soon as he gets the recipe locked down, it seems difficult to get it just just right with this flavouring
I just got irritated with the flavours i have been vaping... everything is starting to seems so similar in profile to me.
So i decided to go dig through my DIY juice box and found a bottle of creme soda i mixed up that has now steeped and changed to a darker brown :D
This stuff is amazing...
@Necris look I must make it clear it is quite a subtle vape but it is very very enjoyable!
granny smith apple and soft caramel, the flavourings I would say are about the same strength (Apple vs Caramel 50/50, one doesn't over power the other)
I will have another vape on it in a fresh build on...
Umm @devdev as much as i love your kind of humour, you need to attach some kind of disclaimer especially when commenting in a thread where there are loads of suggestions that seem arb, your hth suggestion might just blend in enough to hurt some one ;)
Just a thought
@r0gue z0mbie with too much you feel like you been in the dessert for days and days, mouth and inside of nasal, hell even my brain started to feel sahara dry lol
I have been feeling exactly the same @bjorncoetsee also started to think its my rayon. I get a tightness in the chest throat and neck, like @KimH, Kim, are you using rayon as well?
@Gizmo you must be using the rayon?
Mrs @Bumblebabe my lady love would like to know how much for a embroiled pillow with her name "Kelly" and how much for a blanket with like 4 of those beautiful tatty bears :D
Do you use nice soft fabrics? You know, for the snuggling :) haha
Thanks @Bumblebabe !
Tyler, please let us know about the profile of the 3 Seattle's you have there ;) Very interested in trying the bounty hunter my self ;D although boba fett was a bounty hunter so i have a feeling this is a take on boba's bounty?
let me know dude ;) thanks