Umn... Just build or buy coils place them in there screw down posts trapping the wires under the screw or in the post holes don't let the coil/s touch the sides or topcap make sure its firing equally by scratching or squeazing them together(if the coil/s are spaced don't squeeze them) and put...
In Pretoria i havent gotten s*** for vaping in a smoking section before, But i adjust my reg mod to about25-55W compared to the 80-130w i enjoy and because of the low power i Mtl it then it seems to work almost like a cigarette. The second breath one takes deminishes the volume of the fog too so...
The Zuma family is in the cigarette game. One thing we know is that communists looove competition. Thats why they left trotsky alone after that whole upperclass revolution....... Oh wait he was executed in mexico nevermind
nice reply, it could also be caused by that. dirty terminals can cause conductivity issues. Cool didnt know it was checking potential difference across the first of the cells in series nice to know. i didn't think about terminals as i keep mine clean semi compusively.
I still think its a win for kzor he got exposure on a massive stage and just for that i think its a win. And he looked shiny compared to jai that came across as a bully.
Wag wat het gebeur? En hoekom is ons in afrikaans iewe skielik? Het jy oorkruis kykers gekry? Want as jy kan subs score is dit goed. Oh damn vid gekyk... Die ou is i asshole
I have a 2 battery bottom door regulated mod that broke. It would start up but when trying to fire it reads check battery, Ive read about this as a wismec problem though i was not using one i thought it must be the same issue.
So i hopped online and found a how to for the 200rx or something it...
I agree totally, a single 18650 only delivers around 4.8v(<-#optimism->) and 90w in a mech mod fully charged which deminishes quickly. Where more of them can deliver higher watts and more volts depending on series or parallel battery configurations. Sy a dual battery mod is allot stronger...
It is but not limited to the tar there are allot of carcinogens in cigarettes also you'll find things like Arcenic in there vaping is allot better i agree. Nicotine isn't that bad, but the chemical addiction is pretty heavy even...
Ive only used 18650's and built in batteries(cigalikes; evods ect)
What do you prefer? Smaller batteries for form-factor or bigger ones for amps or capacity?
If any insight on battery life could be added id also appreciate it
We are all responsible for our own actions, if you mess up and get flack thats how the world works unforunately chances for redemption are few and far between. Most people don't get second chances so we all should be vigilant to not do something so wrong that it recieves backlash of this nature...