New SA draconian vaping laws.


13 year Vapor.
Cotswold UK
Once again Dr Farsalinos has come to our assistance.
Few months ago, the South Africa Ministry of Health proposed a new tobacco and e-cigarette regulation bill and initiated a public commentary period that expired on August 9. Two days ago, I submitted a comment to the South Africa officials, expressing my concern about the many of the proposals included in the bill. In brief, the bill makes no differentiation between e-cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettes. In fact, they define use of e-cigarettes (i.e. vaping) as smoking. As a result they apply the same restrictions in marketing, advertisement and enclosed public place ban as smoking. There is also an attempt to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products due to nicotine being extracted from tobacco. This decision is unreasonable and that has no scientific basis. As I mentioned in 2014, “it makes no more sense to argue that nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are tobacco products than to argue that biodiesel is a vegetable product because it is derived from plants”. Additionally, the bill raises the possibility of introducing health warning messages in the packaging of e-cigarettes and may even implement plain packaging. All these proposals will result in misinformation and misconceptions among smokers about e-cigarettes, and will discourage and prevent them from switching to a substantially less harmful alternative. In my comment, I provide a short overview on the current knowledge about e-cigarettes and I present the potential unintended public health consequences of some of the proposals.
While I'm here, I have noticed that I must change my signature to "7 year milestone reached". Can't find that thread now.
I have seen this in FNB's Life Insurance Policy - Vaping = Smoking, and one has to be at least 6 months "clear" of nicotine to even consider getting a policy from them. Not so with other banks though.
The Zuma family is in the cigarette game. One thing we know is that communists looove competition. Thats why they left trotsky alone after that whole upperclass revolution....... Oh wait he was executed in mexico nevermind
Once again Dr Farsalinos has come to our assistance.
Few months ago, the South Africa Ministry of Health proposed a new tobacco and e-cigarette regulation bill and initiated a public commentary period that expired on August 9. Two days ago, I submitted a comment to the South Africa officials, expressing my concern about the many of the proposals included in the bill. In brief, the bill makes no differentiation between e-cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettes. In fact, they define use of e-cigarettes (i.e. vaping) as smoking. As a result they apply the same restrictions in marketing, advertisement and enclosed public place ban as smoking. There is also an attempt to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products due to nicotine being extracted from tobacco. This decision is unreasonable and that has no scientific basis. As I mentioned in 2014, “it makes no more sense to argue that nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are tobacco products than to argue that biodiesel is a vegetable product because it is derived from plants”. Additionally, the bill raises the possibility of introducing health warning messages in the packaging of e-cigarettes and may even implement plain packaging. All these proposals will result in misinformation and misconceptions among smokers about e-cigarettes, and will discourage and prevent them from switching to a substantially less harmful alternative. In my comment, I provide a short overview on the current knowledge about e-cigarettes and I present the potential unintended public health consequences of some of the proposals.

Thanks for this @Johnny2Puffs - and i hope you are keeping well
Have moved this thread to the relatively new Vaping Legislation subforum.

And a big congrats on the 7 year milestone!
That is remarkable! Well done!
I heard a in depth conversation on the radio on Friday regarding the vaping laws and it is going to be a tough one for government to regulate. It is basically a copy and paste law.
I heard a in depth conversation on the radio on Friday regarding the vaping laws and it is going to be a tough one for government to regulate. It is basically a copy and paste law.

If there was someone with some sort of initiative that could all change.

Copy and paste is because nobody wants to take the time to sort it out.
Once again Dr Farsalinos has come to our assistance.
Few months ago, the South Africa Ministry of Health proposed a new tobacco and e-cigarette regulation bill and initiated a public commentary period that expired on August 9. Two days ago, I submitted a comment to the South Africa officials, expressing my concern about the many of the proposals included in the bill. In brief, the bill makes no differentiation between e-cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettes. In fact, they define use of e-cigarettes (i.e. vaping) as smoking. As a result they apply the same restrictions in marketing, advertisement and enclosed public place ban as smoking. There is also an attempt to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products due to nicotine being extracted from tobacco. This decision is unreasonable and that has no scientific basis. As I mentioned in 2014, “it makes no more sense to argue that nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are tobacco products than to argue that biodiesel is a vegetable product because it is derived from plants”. Additionally, the bill raises the possibility of introducing health warning messages in the packaging of e-cigarettes and may even implement plain packaging. All these proposals will result in misinformation and misconceptions among smokers about e-cigarettes, and will discourage and prevent them from switching to a substantially less harmful alternative. In my comment, I provide a short overview on the current knowledge about e-cigarettes and I present the potential unintended public health consequences of some of the proposals.
Here in the States we're going through the same disingenuous crap.Unfortunately it has very little to do about public health and much to do about profits to pharmaceutical and tobacco companies and the political cronies in their pockets.However I applaud your effort.
I have seen this in FNB's Life Insurance Policy - Vaping = Smoking, and one has to be at least 6 months "clear" of nicotine to even consider getting a policy from them. Not so with other banks though.

My policy with Outsurance classifies a vaper as a non-smoker, as long as you have not smoked combustibles in the past year.