Thank you @Silver. Decided to give it a shot (well somewhat)... I took the extra coil supplied with the Subtank Mini RBA Deck, instead of trimming the ends, I gave it an extra turn on each side.
Did not consider this, but the eVic Mini actually provides Ohm readings, so no need to buy that...
Is about 7 turns good enough? In my very little research, most people really hammered on the importance of an ohm-meter to check resistance before using any home-made coil.
No those are quite easy to find, what I am actually looking for is pre made coils for the RBA. I can only find them in 0.5 (found 2 retailers so far).
I have done 2x rewicks on eGo one last night which...
I've been down the same path and it's hard to get your flavour. What I can say is stop wasting money on cheap juices. The best thing I could have done was to go to Vape King, guys had samples of all their juices, and I tasted away until I found something to my liking. If you're unable to sample...
Hi. Does anyone stock pre-rolled coils for the subtank mini in +- 1 Ohm? Found a few 0.5 Ohms, but prefer 1-1.3 ohm coils
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Thanks again to all for their valuable input in this thread. I finally got an eVic Mini (despite swearing high and low that I'll never have one of those 'big batteries'. [emoji16])
Vaping like a boss now. Flavour and throat hit is exceptional compared to the eGo One.
I've spent waaaaayyy more...