It is caused by the negative connection inside the box not making proper connection to the box. The entire box acts as the earth/return. There is sometimes a little screw, that secures a black wire to the body of the box. Tie that sucker down real tight and check again. The only other thing you...
To get rid of leaking issues with that wicking method, hold the air holes closed with your finger, turn her upside down, then when the juice has all flowed down, take your finger off the airholes(both the air screw and air hole) and quickly spin her the correct way up. This sometimes gets the...
The easiest trick with the Russian to get it to soak evenly, is to wick it and then take your wick through the chimney, with the chimney top cap off, then cut the wick in line with the top surface of the chimney bottom deck. Take those wick pig tales and tuck them in down the sides. Then give...
Wow, now that is the way you do a review. Some quality data and I firmly agree. I have tried rebuilding those Nautilus Mini BVC Coils according to riptrippers way but without Japanese Cotton wicking material it is rather tricky.
I used Rayon with 30 gauge A1 Kanthal, wrapped around a 1.4mm...