So I'm in the process of adding a dependant and taking out one or two policies through Discovery, and one of the questions obviously is, do you smoke? I've been off cigarettes since the beginning of this year, but I do vape 6mg/12mg nicotine juice, so now I have no idea what box to tick. Anyone...
Not that I know of. I think it's a bit difficult getting it around the 18mm diameter battery. Normally the mods come with beauty rings that make the difference a bit easier on the eye though
The best advice I can give you is to save up, and buy not only a decent mod, but an rba as well. You're never gonna enjoy the real potential of a higher wattage mod with a nautilus. Rather get a Kayfun or a Russian and a strong mod to compliment it
Dude, I'm sitting at my desk reading your post, and decide to give it a try. As a lung hitter myself, I'm surprised at how much flavour I get out of that first hit. Please sir, I'd like to be inducted into the goofy vaping fraternity
It works a lot quicker than an electric stove, it's cheaper, your wife will love you for the mini kitchen upgrade. I say that's good value for money lol
Lmao dude you are a class act! I think this should be made a sticky in a new section called "vaping hazards"! I can't wait to see what experimental builds you come up with after tomorrow lol. On a serious note though, good luck with going RBA. It's a rabbit hole that you won't easily find your...
I have someone else this advice not too long ago, and it's exactly what I did myself. Don't buy your rebuildable online. Go to a store, and pick out a nice one that you think you'll be able to work with. Then, ask the guys at the store to put the first build on for you, while you watch them and...
Dude, just do yourself a favour and invest in an rba. If, like me, you don't smaak for the hassle of having to drip, get a Kayfun or a Russian to start with. It really isn't as daunting in real life as it is in your mind. I guarantee, you wont look back. In fact, the only complaint I have about...
Northern Suburbs is cool, but why be so far from the sea? The weather is good that time of the year. Just saying. Plus, where are the vendors? If they want to be able to have a meet where they can showcase and advertise their merchandise, then surely they need to play a role in the organizing of...