Hi again. So i need some help. Ive been charging my rx200 through usb. Yes i know you not suppose to but cant afford a charger but was forced to order one last night because of this error.
So yesterday when i plugged in the mod it gave me the error "imbalanced". Ive got the tesi batteries. My...
I am close to rewicking everyday. First wick i made sure to start thick thwn as it went into the holes it was thinner as suggested. Great for 1 day but next day it tasted weird so had to rewick...
To be honest even my turbo v2 on dual coil nickle gave issues. Vaped fine for a good few hours then troubles started. I suppose i should just try dual coil on kanthal or get a clapton built again. For now ive given up on tc and staying with kanthal. Focusing more on getting the wicking right...
Item wanted: 3mg juices (would love voodoo as i am not keen to import yet with the shipping costs)
Price Preference: r300
Condition: as long as its not empty. Decent price for the amount left
Age of the item:
Location of item: jhb
Delivery/Collection: nah face to face
Reason: want...
So i finally gave in and did a rewick. Wicked it so that it starts thick in the coil and then trimmed it so that it gets thinner as it goes into the holes and wow!! So far so good! Airflow is also better
I could be wrong. Could be 26g, i didnt build the coil. It should be between 9 and 10 wraps. When we looked on steam engine thats what it said it should come at. Considering its kanthal but its staying constant at 0.6 now
I have leaned mine over and no leaks. Thats what i like about this tank so far. No leaks. Ive managed to get a faulty aromamizer before and it leaked even tho they said its not possible
Exactly my problem. I shoved some cotton aside to let the air in. Seems to be ok for now. My other things is why does the device get worse on dual coil? I had 2 nickles on and for the first few min it was great. Then it went haywire. Burning and even the ohms were jumping even after they were locked
Build: single coil 28g kanthal 3mm
Mod settings: 30watts, 0.6 ohm
Hi guys. Girl vaper here so sorry for being a bit of a newb. I recently bought the avocado dripper. Great little tank dripper. However i want to get advice on the best way to wick it? At the moment my wick isnt getting wick'd...