Avocado dripper dry hits


Experienced Vaper
Build: single coil 28g kanthal 3mm
Mod settings: 30watts, 0.6 ohm

Hi guys. Girl vaper here so sorry for being a bit of a newb. I recently bought the avocado dripper. Great little tank dripper. However i want to get advice on the best way to wick it? At the moment my wick isnt getting wick'd fast enough and constantly getting dry hits. Ive had such bad luck with tanks that i went iver to dripping and never had probs until now. Any solution?

Also it seems that the avo doesnt like tc dual coil build so much. Get taste of burnt coil every few puffs


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Switch to a single clapton and then wick it tight through the coil and trim the legs to 40% of the thickness and let the legs sit loosely in the tank. Bingo!
This wicking method hasn't failed for me. And single (clapton) coils have been most successful so far
Will build clapton for next time. Got a week on this coil. Opened up the holes to the flav a bit up so seems to be a bit better
In addition to the wick shaving tip, I find that genny style tanks like this benefit from not running the wick tails right down to the bottom of the tank and tilting while taking a draw so the the juice is surrounding the wicks tails.
The wick isnt touching the bottom. I would say its just above the half way mark
I use a single coil and also use the method where I trim the wicks before stuffing into the holes. But I do still get a dry hit every now and then. What works for me is to take a small screwdriver, and push it down through the wicking holes and move the cotton aside a bit. If each wicking hole has space for a bit of cotton plus a bit of air, it seems to solve it for me.
Exactly my problem. I shoved some cotton aside to let the air in. Seems to be ok for now. My other things is why does the device get worse on dual coil? I had 2 nickles on and for the first few min it was great. Then it went haywire. Burning and even the ohms were jumping even after they were locked

I use a single coil and also use the method where I trim the wicks before stuffing into the holes. But I do still get a dry hit every now and then. What works for me is to take a small screwdriver, and push it down through the wicking holes and move the cotton aside a bit. If each wicking hole has space for a bit of cotton plus a bit of air, it seems to solve it for me.
@Rob Fisher, sent me the link to Olly's video before my 2 Avocado's arrived. From the first build no dry hits or wicking issues of any kind following the tips from the video. I have a Clapton in one, large form dual mono's in the other. My only real issue was operator error... forgetting to keep the dual setup more vertical than not once while engaged in something else and having juice leak out of the open AFC's. :facepalm:
@Rob Fisher, sent me the link to Olly's video before my 2 Avocado's arrived. From the first build no dry hits or wicking issues of any kind following the tips from the video. I have a Clapton in one, large form dual mono's in the other. My only real issue was operator error... forgetting to keep the dual setup more vertical than not once while engaged in something else and having juice leak out of the open AFC's. :facepalm:

You made vertical coils?
You made vertical coils?

No... "keep the dual setup more vertical" was referring to the orientation on the Avocado/mod themselves. Lean them to the side far enough and leaks are quite possible.
No... "keep the dual setup more vertical" was referring to the orientation on the Avocado/mod themselves. Lean them to the side far enough and leaks are quite possible.
Aha! My bad!

But speaking of which coil wise on the velocity. Anyone try vertical? Or not possible?
I have leaned mine over and no leaks. Thats what i like about this tank so far. No leaks. Ive managed to get a faulty aromamizer before and it leaked even tho they said its not possible
Aha! My bad!

But speaking of which coil wise on the velocity. Anyone try vertical? Or not possible?

You could build single or dual verticals, but that would work at cross purposes to the wicking, which needs to flow into the juice supply holes. You'd be creating right angle bends to the wick, most notably with the bottom tail.

That, plus the air holes are horizontal, so using a longer coil would mean its ends not being directly in behind the air intake.
i find that a 2.5mm ID coil means that your cotton is automatically the right width for the wick holes, with no risk of choking them off.

I may be like a broken record, but erm... Spaced coils are a real winner in the Avo.
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Build: single coil 28g kanthal 3mm
Mod settings: 30watts, 0.6 ohm

Hi guys. Girl vaper here so sorry for being a bit of a newb. I recently bought the avocado dripper. Great little tank dripper. However i want to get advice on the best way to wick it? At the moment my wick isnt getting wick'd fast enough and constantly getting dry hits. Ive had such bad luck with tanks that i went iver to dripping and never had probs until now. Any solution?

Also it seems that the avo doesnt like tc dual coil build so much. Get taste of burnt coil every few puffs

Hi @kana01
You dont have to be sorry for asking questions - thats what the forum is for!

I dont have any experience with the Avo, but just wanted to ask a question about your coil

You say its 28g and 3mm ID
I count 8/9 wraps in your pic
How does it get to 0.6 ohms?

If I do a 7 wrap on 1.6mm, I get about 1.1 ohms

You sure that ohm reading is right?
Or is that wire thicker than 28g?
i find that a 2.5mm ID coil means that your cotton is automatically the right width for the wick holes, with no risk of choking them off


Didn't have to shave the wick tails on the avo I gave a test drive to with 2.5mm coils. Also, be mindful of wicking material - cotton will swell, rayon will not.
Hi @kana01
You dont have to be sorry for asking questions - thats what the forum is for!

I dont have any experience with the Avo, but just wanted to ask a question about your coil

You say its 28g and 3mm ID
I count 8/9 wraps in your pic
How does it get to 0.6 ohms?

If I do a 7 wrap on 1.6mm, I get about 1.1 ohms

You sure that ohm reading is right?
Or is that wire thicker than 28g?

I could be wrong. Could be 26g, i didnt build the coil. It should be between 9 and 10 wraps. When we looked on steam engine thats what it said it should come at. Considering its kanthal but its staying constant at 0.6 now
This whole thing, made me dust off my Avo.

Now I'm squonking and using a gennie. Feeling like quite a fancy fellow :p
So i finally gave in and did a rewick. Wicked it so that it starts thick in the coil and then trimmed it so that it gets thinner as it goes into the holes and wow!! So far so good! Airflow is also better
Aha! My bad!

But speaking of which coil wise on the velocity. Anyone try vertical? Or not possible?
I have built verticals on my Velocity and it worked fine, as long as the coils are level with the primary air ports flavor is very similar to the horizontal coils.
Guys, am I missing something here?
How do you saturate the wick?
Do you have to give the avo a turn sideways every so often?
This is bothering me :D
Whatever build you do make sure you reduce the thickness of the wick legs and you won't have an issue.
As with ALL RTA from Gemini to Griffin and I suapect all of the new breed like Moradin also. Solid advice. Tails hate being bent too much better to fluff and snip.