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  1. ESH

    The Enemies List – Worst Anti-Vaping Nuts Of 2014

    How about a list of Heroes.
  2. ESH

    The Enemies List – Worst Anti-Vaping Nuts Of 2014

    Well put, thank you @Alex your contributions have been extremely helpful. I'm pretty sure that most members of this forum can be considered vapeing advocates and it is information such as this, that you and a number of other forum members have provided are vital elements in the "vapeing...
  3. ESH

    200W Mod

    Well done for not letting the smoke out :p.
  4. ESH

    Tiniest mod ever?

    I got one for my wife for Christmas, the istick that is, and she loves it, most of all the form factor suits her. I prefer mods that can sub ohm but as has been said "different strokes for different folks".
  5. ESH

    KUI bottom feed mod

    Thanks @kimbo I'm sure that with you at the helm we will get a decent product. ;)
  6. ESH

    Happy Christmas

    On the last day of Christmas my one true love bought for me, one V3 flip, and an awesome set of batteries. :p
  7. ESH

    KUI bottom feed mod

    @capetocuba Agreed. By the looks of it we are going to place a HUGE group buy, and it would be nice to get a finished and tested product. ;-)
  8. ESH

    KUI bottom feed mod

    @kimbo Quick question? When are you looking at closing the group buy? perhaps these details have been given before Please let me know how to pay you for my order. Thanks for your effort, it is appreciated. You rock :clap:
  9. ESH

    KUI bottom feed mod

    @kimbo Please add me for 1 please.
  10. ESH

    Newbie setup

    Wow, for a noob that's quite a collection, which is your favorite?
  11. ESH

    Suggestions for a RBA?

    Another tank to consider is the Orchid for a duel coil build, they can be a bit tricky to wick, but once you have the technique down they are great.
  12. ESH


    My vapeing journey began with a Twisp, if it wasn't for them I would probable still be on the stinkies.
  13. ESH

    Who can help me please

    The temporal micro back holes strike again. It seems that they only "disappear" hard to find parts.
  14. ESH

    Difficult situation, I need some help please.

    @free3dom You have always been forthright in your posts, experience has taught me that this is something that is usually deeply ingrained in ones personality, case en pointe this very post. When opportunity knocks, open the door and see what is there. All the best
  15. ESH

    Pioneer IPV3... YAY or NAY??

    I'm loving the v2 and never go above 30 w, so its a nay for me, me thinks that the mini will probably be my next mod. Different strokes for different folks.
  16. ESH

    Vaping and Health Insurance.

    The insurance company that takes the initiative to bring out a product that caters for vapers Will have my business.
  17. ESH

    Study: 'Vaping' can double the odds of quitting smoking

    I have quit stinkys any have already halved my nic intake but I have no intention of quitting vapeing, its just too lekker
  18. ESH

    What mini box mod do you look forward to the most ?

    I'm loving my IPV2 and can't wait for a vendor to bring the IPV mini in.
  19. ESH

    Carry on luggage

    As the Scout motto goes "Be Prepared".
  20. ESH

    iPV mini

    I like that very much. Vendors, who's thinking of stocking this? You can put me up for one.