That unfortunately fell all away with the new chip sorry.
No one can get the old boards anymore as the company that made the internals changed/superseded their silicon chips.This all happened with Covid,there was a worldwide shortage with chips if you can remember at that time
It’s specifically designed to register your mod for its lifetime warranty and you have to talk a selfie also with your mod right next to your face.
with the revision E board if you build below 0.12 it will not fire over 50%.
Look,I know you look after your gear and I would love to help you with...
The new Rev:G chipset have new internals,a buzzer to tell you the battery’s are running low or ones draining faster.Then it has a NFC chip at the top we are craving vapor was normally written.
The new mod can also fire with all builds and can push out 240W at 45A.
That is not a G series chipset,That’s a revision E chipset.It was produced from 2016 to 2022 and then the new Chipset was introduced.
If anyone wants to know,I’m the sole importer and Distro for Hexohm in Africa.
My Pleasure Uncle Oom!!
Hope you enjoy the new tech in that device!!
NFC! Revision G board with an audible warning when one battery runs lower or if it’s time to change batts!!even warns you when there’s a short!