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  1. Theo_P

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Yes, the first ones came out with the DNA 200 chip and then afterwards it launched the RX ones... When I bought mine they still gave me a Rollo chocolate with...
  2. Theo_P

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Awesome Rob much appreciated will wait on you.. Yes that time was awesome and vaping was still very unknown... So we where like the cool kids with our fancy mods etc...
  3. Theo_P

    SOLD Voyeur Rage FE.Limited Edition

    Is this still available, and just a question are you allowed to sell it, thought I read somewhere that it is not respectful to sell it? But let me know..
  4. Theo_P

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thank you so much for the reply... At the time that DNA was properly the best out there.. Lol.. Needed to start somewhere... I will ask Rob thank you..
  5. Theo_P

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi all, my name as you probably guessed it, is Theo, I am not new to vaping just new to this platform.. I probably started 6+ years ago if not longer, and still so shocked how vaping has changed from when I started to were it is today.. bought my 1st proper vape at the vape king house in...