
  1. SessionDrummer

    Yihi SXmini PureMax 2 Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thanks out again, to David from SXmini for sending this nex gen Yihi SXmini PureMax2 out for review. This is the next generation of the previous PureMax that I reviewed here . With an increased battery size, max wattage, and improved PX Pods with juice flow shutoff, I was looking forward to...
  2. SessionDrummer

    New Sobucky Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Sobucky Single Flavor Tests Series V TESTING NOW !!!! That's right people, as I finish up the Medicine Flower reviews, and then the NEW Flavorah reviews, these are getting mixed up AS we speak, and steeping so I can run into them as soon as the queue is empty. Because my experience thus...
  3. SessionDrummer

    NEW Flavorah Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thanks out to @Bryson over at Flavorah for sending out this new pack for review. They all smelled pretty good in the bottles, and I'm anxious to try them. Rather than try and nit-pick each individual flavor for strength (at this point), I decided on a flat 1.0% mix rate for my initial tests...
  4. SessionDrummer

    NEW Wonder Flavors SFT by SessionDrummer

    Thanks out to Frank from Wonder Flavors for sending these out for this review. I've already tested a lot of them during the Beta tests, but there are some new, new, new ones (for me), on top of that. I'm looking forward to getting into these final versions. **Testing Setup (as...
  5. SessionDrummer

    Duomei Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer Part II

    Guys, James from went and did it AGAIN !!!!!!! I can't say for sure, but I suspect they moved soo much of the Duomei LAST time, they got some MORE !!!!! Thanks VERY much out to James for thinking of me, AND us. I know Luke, Hatrick, and I were ALL looking forward to...
  6. SessionDrummer

    FLAVRZ Single Flavors, and One Shots Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Guys, with this being the LARGEST flavor series run to date, I wanted to at least START getting these up here AS I am still actively testing. Thanks out to Darren aka @Jetz from for sending all of these flavors, and one-shots for the purposes of this review. As...
  7. SessionDrummer

    NEW Flavorah flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    I literally JUST received these flavors, so this post is just a HOLDING AREA while I sort out the percentages, and get them mixed up. HUGE thanks out to both Jessica, and @wllmc from Bull City Flavors, and Bryson over at Flavorah in getting these NEW flavors shipped out. *As always, all...
  8. SessionDrummer

    Voltrove 25 v.3 RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    If you've never heard of, or decided to purchase a Voltrove, you MIGHT want to read this review. This one is claimed to be a real flavor chucker, AND in either Single, or Dual coil mode, so we will just see about that. Hang on, buckle up, grab a drink, and enjoy the ride !!!!! Specs: * 304...
  9. SessionDrummer

    You guys here on the ECIGSSA are all right

    Although I've not spent tons of time here, I'm glad @Timwis turned me onto this site. I've done my fair share of dumping my reviews here, just helping out the community, and you guys have a really good crew here. A lot of good help for other members. Not every place on the interwebs is so...
  10. SessionDrummer

    SteamCrave Meson RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    A huge thanks out to King from SteamCrave for sending this out for the purposes of this review. Any time something is billed as "The BEST Single Coil RTA", and it's from SteamCrave, I get interested. Let's get into this one, and see if this Restricted DTL (possibly MTL) is built as it's...
  11. SessionDrummer

    Duomei Flavors Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

    Normally I dump my entire testing run after it's completed, but since there is a LIMITED STOCK on these Duomei flavors, and they are hard to come by, I wanted to make an exception, and post these AS I am running through them. The run is approx. half way done now...... ***PLACE HOLDER --...
  12. SessionDrummer

    Yacht Vape Eclipse 25mm Dual RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer Having JUST reviewed Yacht Vape's Single Coil 24mm Eclipse, I wanted to follow up directly with this one, so I could better compare the two. Because they are similar, it may seem somewhat redundant, if you've just finished reading my other...
  13. SessionDrummer

    Yacht Vape Eclipse 24mm RTA Reviewed by SessionDrummer Having watched @mikevapes's vids waaay back when I FIRST started vaping, and liking his style, I was damned curious to see what he and Yacht Vape came up with. As is often the case, this review was NOT sponsored by anyone, except ME, so buckle...
  14. SessionDrummer

    Chefs Super Concentrates Single Flavor Tests Series II by SessionDrummer

    Thanks out to Leah from Chefs, I’ll be mixing these up shortly, and after some steepity, steep, steepin’ we’ll get into them. Chefs Flavors Round II1920×1081 155 KB For this second round, I’ll be testing at the same 1.5% that worked out great on the first round, using a SteamCrave RDTA...
  15. SessionDrummer

    NEW VSO Flavors Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

    Having tested most of Shane's outstanding natural fruit flavors, I kept seeing mention of his newer creams, bakeries, etc., and couldn't NOT get into them. I placed an order on the site, and Shane hit me back, and said he was going to throw in some new ones as well !!!! Looks like this one's...
  16. SessionDrummer

    Wonder Flavors (WF) Part II Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

    Just received these, and am **MIXING NOW**. Yet another huge thanks out to my brother @wllmc over at Bull City Flavors for sending these out. I'm planning on mixing these up at 3.5%, and with at least a 1 week steep. STAY TUNED...
  17. SessionDrummer

    Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

    **Avocado Cream (VTA) 3% (5-3-20)** -- FIRST one out of the gate, let's see what we've got. I can safely say, I've NEVER vaped anything Avocado, so this is a first. Mixed, steeped, vaped, I honestly got little to no Avo, and maybe that's a good thing, but what I DID get was an unholy...
  18. SessionDrummer

    VSO Single Flavor and One Shot Tests by SessionDrummer Thanks out to Shane at VSO for getting this shipped out ASAP, and throwing in a free sample of his NEW Huckleberry. Have never used VSO flavors before, so this is all brand new for me. All mixed at the % below, and steeped for 1 week+, 70v/30p...
  19. SessionDrummer

    Vape Kitchen eLiquid Reviews by SessionDrummer

    Due to unending positive reviews I've seen on line, mixed with a healthy dose of curiosity, and topped with genuine interest, I decided to pick up more than a few of Vape Kitchen's finished mixes from @River_Supply_Co during their recent Black Friday Sale. Now realizing that this isn't DIY'ing...
  20. SessionDrummer

    Sobucky Flavors (SSA) Part III Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

    Super huge thanks out again, to @wllmc for shipping these out. Going to be mixing shortly, and after a week + steep going to get into them. :slight_smile: Want to get YOURS, stop over to @Bull_City_Flavors and pick up the pack !! **Apple...