Just got another load of Sobucky Super Aromas. Will be mixing them up as soon as I can, short steeping, and some more testing !!! Same testing setup as before. SteamCrave RDTA v.1 with dual 24ga. Kanthal vertical coils with fresh cotton and dry burned coils before each test. Tested at 65w...
Thanks out to @Wllmc from @BullCityFlavors for sending these out for testing. Not a lot of information out there on these, so decided to start LOW with these.
All mixed at the percentages listed, @ 3mg, 70v/30p, tested on a SteamCrave RDTA v.1, with dual vertical, 7 wrap, 24ga. Kanthal coils...
**Apple Pie SC 2.5% (4-2-17)** -- After 1 week steep the overall flavor is very good, with strength and sweetness both good. Apple on the inhale and more of a top notch apple pie filling on the exhale, with slight spice. Crust is very low in the mix. May re-try and bump to 3.0% and let steep 2...
All testing will be done on Steam Crave RDTA v1. using dual kanthal coils, cotton, @ 35-40w. All flavors (unless noted) tested @ 6%, steeped minimum of 1 week (subject to change). Mixed @ 70v/30p, and evaluated for single flavor only. Fresh cotton and dry burned coils before all tests.
Having heard more and more about this company, and not seeing a lot of detailed information on them, I decided to take some of them on. OSDIY offers both Blends (One-Shots) and Single Flavors, so I decided to do a few of each.
All will be mixed at the listed percentages, and tested on the...
**Raspberry (ODF) 9% (4-15-18)** -- Sooo many bad raspberries out there, most artificial or chemically offset. This one is NOT one of them. Just as good as the RF SC Raspberry, although a slight bit less intense...
Not going to be able to even come CLOSE to what @JOJO has already done here, but have a few SF flavor tests steeping now.
**Old Fashioned Donut (NicVape E-Flavors) 4% (11-11-18)** -- Having had not great luck with Donut flavors in the past, wasn't sure what was in store for my FIST NicVapes...
@Frostyjayjay thanks for making this thread.
> All testing done after 2 weeks steep, 70v/30p/ 3mg on a SteamCrave v.1 RDTA with dual 7 wrap, Kanthal coils. Fresh cotton, burned coils before all flavors. Tested at % listed below.
**Banana Milkshake (River Supply) 3% (2-15-20)** -- Having...
Alright, it seems I have stumbled across a as of yet unfound STASH of Nature's Flavors !!! What do we do, when we find something ?? WE TEST THEM !!!! Huge thanks out to @Plunderdrum for some working percentages, as I would have had no clue where to test these. Thank you for that...
Molinberry is new to me, so figured I'd better change that. Place holding for now, finalizing percentages shortly.
**Big Watermelon {Molinberry) 6% (1-26-20)** -- Mmmm, this one's a great Watermelon. Right out of the gate...
*Mixing Now !!!!!*
When I decided to pick up some Liquid Barn flavors for testing and post this, I was greeted with ....
> ### Revive this topic?
> The last reply to this topic was **almost 3 years ago** .
Yeah, why the F not !!!! I'm not sure what propelled me into picking up 17, but 17...
**Series II Mixing Now:**
One Shots:
**Apple Fritter (Jungle Flavors) 11% (12-20-20)** -- First Jungle Flavors One Shot on deck, and perfect for the Holidays. I could smell the dough element when mixing, and wasn't sure about how it would fare vaping, but it quickly became obvious, it just...
Huge thanks out to @FlavorJungle for sending these out for review. All were mixed and tested at the percentages listed, and tested on a SteamCrave RDTA v.1 @ 65 watts on dual, vertical, Kanthal 24ga. 7 wrap coils. Fresh cotton and dry burned before every test, using KGD cotton.
**Lemon (Flavor...