vape blog

  1. MartinDC

    Reavers Vape Blog #5 - Ultimate-Guide-to-Squonking

    Vaping360 Team’s “Ultimate Guide to Squonking” | Includes the “Best Squonk Mods available in 2017” and early 2018 reaversadmin Posted in Vaping With the positive hype around the RDA Squonking features, I had to do some research and found that this specific comprehensive vape blog below from...
  2. MartinDC

    Reaver's Vape Blog #4 "Are there health risks in the "Vapour Cloud Effect" of Vape Stores"

    Posted on September 21, 2017 in the "Reaver's VapE Blog" by reaversadmin Have you ever thought about any health risks being in the "Vapour cloud effect" prominent in most VapE Stores? Vapour's hanging in the VapE Shops air, do they pose any health threat to others i.e. employees and or...
  3. MartinDC

    Reaver's Vape Blog #2: "in SA - Where does the law lie with vaping?"

    Greetings to All Members, Reaver's VapE-Blog No.: 2 In South Africa …. Where does the law lie with vaping? reaversadmin - @MartinDC Also posted in "Vape Blog" at Reaver's VapE-Liquids This insightful Vape Blog with additional related links is posted here for and on behalf of the: NOSA Blog...
  4. MartinDC

    Reaver's Vape Blog #3: "How to scientifically choose a Vape - 15 factors to consider."

    Greetings to All Members, Reaver's VapE-Blog No.: 3 How to Choose a Vape according to Science – 15 Factors to Consider I initially referenced Jen Miller's of Jen Reviews "How to choose a Vape, According to Science - 15 Factors to Consider" in one of my earlier Reaver's VapE-Blog posts on the...
  5. MartinDC

    Reaver's Vape Blog#1: additions to "A Billion Lives"

    To all our Valued supporters and ECIGGSA Forum Vapers, Reaver's VapE-Liquids will be using our ECIGSSA Subforum to post an informative Vape Blog per week and we are also looking forward to promoting our VapE-Liquids and/or associated, specials, competitions etc. on the Reaver's Subforum
  6. T

    Throat Punch ~ Foggin' Lovely by Gordon Stuart

    Becoming a successful raconteur is a question of verbal ingenuity, a talent for the theatrical… and vapour. This is something I learned from three immensely talented individuals: Herman Charles Bosman, Patrick Mynhardt and a sure-footed individual by the name of Jake Klipspringer. If you want...