2014 - How Much E-liquid Do You Vape Per Day?

How much e-liquid do you vape per day?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I finish a Cubis Tank and at least one VCMT's worth per day, so I rate 10 ml would be my average. Is it normal for vape veterans' juice consumption to increase over time?
way too much... easily 15ml often more. but i guess i can call it work.
Thanks @Andre and @BumbleBee
I changed my vote - it went up quite a bit ;-)
From 3-4 to 7-8 ml

Lol, just looking at the options here - I can see it was from a long time ago!
i guess I would be around 30mls @ 2mg a day but im a fan of quad coils and high watts.
9-10ml and maybe some bad days a bit more still fighting the urge to pick up a stinky :-@
During the week I fill serpent mini about 5 times. So 15ml. Weekend can be about 20ml.
Mine has come down now to about 10-15ml per day. Used to be between 20-30.
Ok so not exactly a very serious topic but I gotta ask the question out of interest... How much liquid r people going through in a day?? I been vaping long time and I try limit myself I do make some of my own liquid but also buy liquid so really wanna know jus for Sommer how much some of u pros r going through daily... @Silver @Rob Fisher @Bumblebabe @Stosta some of the hardcore vapers!!
Ok so not exactly a very serious topic but I gotta ask the question out of interest... How much liquid r people going through in a day?? I been vaping long time and I try limit myself I do make some of my own liquid but also buy liquid so really wanna know jus for Sommer how much some of u pros r going through daily... @Silver @Rob Fisher @Bumblebabe @Stosta some of the hardcore vapers!!

Lol @Scouse45
I am far from hardcore

Ive stopped tracking my vaping as of 1 Sep - but I can tell you I vaped on average about 4ml per day for my first year of vaping, then about 5ml per day in my second year and in the past year its gone up to about 6 or 7ml. I vape a lot at high strength (about 14-18mg) and at relatively low power hence the low juice consumption. Hence I wont be winning any cloud competitions ;-)

Am going to look for a similar thread which had a great poll as well. Just cant remember its title. If I find it I will move these posts there. If anyone else finds it, post it here
Currently im running the smok tfv8 on 145W thus....
Im averaging about 12 refills per day, and i think my tank takes 5ml of juice.
I wouldnt say im hardcore, its just this beast is damn thirsty.
BUT Clouds and flavour for weeks!!!
Found this thread @Scouse45
Have moved th posts here

I see the poll options are a bit outdated - LOL - from 2014!
The hardware has changed dramatically

We need to update it. Hmmm....
Actually, on second thoughts, it might be good to preserve this poll for prosperity to see how much we vaped in those days...

Maybe we need to start a new thread on juice consumption for 2016
Shot @Silver didn't know there was a thread.... I know u vape like that jus find it very interesting to c the amounts people go through with some of these monster tanks. I myself maybe 7ml a day 2 tanks roundabout... @Jpq thats insane man haha
I'm still on about 6ml a day. 30W vaping ftw. Although I mixed up a whole bunch of Strawberry juices recently, before I knew that Strawberry Ripe loses flavour after a while and you have to add other Strawbs or Dragonfruit to avoid it. So I'm desperately vaping this stuff to get it finished and have upped my dripper to 40W to help that. Sometimes you have to live dangerously.
Ok so not exactly a very serious topic but I gotta ask the question out of interest... How much liquid r people going through in a day?? I been vaping long time and I try limit myself I do make some of my own liquid but also buy liquid so really wanna know jus for Sommer how much some of u pros r going through daily... @Silver @Rob Fisher @Bumblebabe @Stosta some of the hardcore vapers!!

@Scouse45 I vape around 20ml's of XXX a day in my Serpent Mini 25's and about 2ml or Tropical Ice in a REO.
Depends on the day and the juice but anywhere between 10 and 15ml a day.
Also when a new recipe comes out of steeping it can go up drastically. Testing it on different builds and in different atties. Then I can finish a 30ml bottle on a day, easily.
Actually, on second thoughts, it might be good to preserve this poll for prosperity to see how much we vaped in those days...

Maybe we need to start a new thread on juice consumption for 2016
The poll is still active and one can change your vote. I have seen people voting quite recently.
The poll is still active and one can change your vote. I have seen people voting quite recently.

Thanks @Andre
Do you think we should close the poll and start a new 2016 one?