26650 Batteries For Sub-ohm In Mech Mod - Current Drain Questions


Experienced Vaper
Hi Guys,

Quick question for the mech mod and battery gurus.

So I bought a Hades mod clone (26650) from vapeking yesterday based on the fact that the 26650 efest batteries on the website state 60A vs the 18650 purple efest rating of 35A.

But now I read from this site:
http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Efest IMR26650 3000mAh (Red) 2014 UK.html

This site says that the burst pulse current is 60A but that the constant discharge current is only 15A (vs the purple efest constant discharge being 35A).

Ok so basically, isn't 15A constant discharge a bit low for serious sub-ohm? I've done a 0.5ohm build for now which is pulling a max of 8.4A on a fresh charged battery, which still leaves me a small margin of safety.

I want to go for lower ohms, was planning to go for 0.3ohm (when I thought the battery was "60A"), but is this safe for use with this battery? That will pull 14A on a fresh charged battery, which is still below the continuous discharge limit (but not with any safety margin - I would be scared of this!), however it's miles below the 60A pulse discharge limit. So my question is, is this safe to use the 60A "pulse" limit or is 15A the hard and fast limit?
Hi Guys,

Quick question for the mech mod and battery gurus.

So I bought a Hades mod clone (26650) from vapeking yesterday based on the fact that the 26650 efest batteries on the website state 60A vs the 18650 purple efest rating of 35A.

But now I read from this site:
http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Efest IMR26650 3000mAh (Red) 2014 UK.html

This site says that the burst pulse current is 60A but that the constant discharge current is only 15A (vs the purple efest constant discharge being 35A).

Ok so basically, isn't 15A constant discharge a bit low for serious sub-ohm? I've done a 0.5ohm build for now which is pulling a max of 8.4A on a fresh charged battery, which still leaves me a small margin of safety.

I want to go for lower ohms, was planning to go for 0.3ohm (when I thought the battery was "60A"), but is this safe for use with this battery? That will pull 14A on a fresh charged battery, which is still below the continuous discharge limit (but not with any safety margin - I would be scared of this!), however it's miles below the 60A pulse discharge limit. So my question is, is this safe to use the 60A "pulse" limit or is 15A the hard and fast limit?

@1am7h30n3 It's all marketing. You should ignore the 60A pulse limit completely, the 60A rating is like a 5000W PMPO hifi system. The pulse rating is likely based on a very short pulse, possibly milliseconds. If it's rated at 15A continuous, then that's the value you should be using as your hard limit.
Thanks @drew , so would a build that draws 15A be safe then or must I build in a further safety margin to that 15A limit? (perhaps do a build that draws 10A max then or even less?)
@1am7h30n3 That really depends on how close to the edge you like to walk ;) I would say a minimum 20% safety margin. That would be 12A or 0.35 ohms.
Haha, @drew I would say I like to walk far from the edge, err on the side of safety etc!

From this chart and with a 15A limit it looks like 0.5ohm is the lowest safe build.

Now that's depressing since the only reason I spent the extra R160 for the Hades instead of the Nemesis clone and the extra R40 for the "60A" battery was because I thought I would have more safety for sub-ohm builds.

Am I correct in saying that the 26650 is a worse performing battery for sub ohm buils (15A continuous discharge limit on 26650 vs 35A continuous discharge limit on purple efest 18650) than the purple efest?
26650: http://www.vapeking.co.za/batteries/efest-red-series-26650-60a-3000mah-flat-top-battery.html
18650: http://www.vapeking.co.za/batteries/efest-purple-series-18650-35a-2500mah-flat-top-battery.html
Haha, @drew I would say I like to walk far from the edge, err on the side of safety etc!

From this chart and with a 15A limit it looks like 0.5ohm is the lowest safe build.

Now that's depressing since the only reason I spent the extra R160 for the Hades instead of the Nemesis clone and the extra R40 for the "60A" battery was because I thought I would have more safety for sub-ohm builds.

Am I correct in saying that the 26650 is a worse performing battery for sub ohm buils (15A continuous discharge limit on 26650 vs 35A continuous discharge limit on purple efest 18650) than the purple efest?
26650: http://www.vapeking.co.za/batteries/efest-red-series-26650-60a-3000mah-flat-top-battery.html
18650: http://www.vapeking.co.za/batteries/efest-purple-series-18650-35a-2500mah-flat-top-battery.html

Yip, 0.5 is a decent safety margin. I said 20% minimum ;)

Correct, the 26650 you have is not as good for subohm as the 18650 efest, but not by much as this actually raises another issue of marketing winning over performance. The purple efest 35A 2500mah is actually a re-wrapped LG ICR18650HE2 with a 20A continuous discharge and a pulse rating of 35A.
Very informative thread so far. Thanks @drew. HOwever even though the efest is 20A, it's 2500mAh. Shouldn't 26650s have a bit more of an advantage over 18650s just in terms of size? Is it just that 26650s aren't as popular so there aren't any high end jobbies being produced?
Very informative thread so far. Thanks @drew. HOwever even though the efest is 20A, it's 2500mAh. Shouldn't 26650s have a bit more of an advantage over 18650s just in terms of size? Is it just that 26650s aren't as popular so there aren't any high end jobbies being produced?

Yip, the main advantage of the 26650's are battery life as opposed to high current draw and low sub ohm safety. There is a monster of a sony 26650 in the market though but very hard to get hold of. Sony SE US26650VT 50A continuous and 2600mah.

http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Sony SE US26650VT 2600mAh (Green) UK.html
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Thanks for all the help!

Kind of wish I hadn't purchased the Hades and locked myself into 26650 now! Seems it was pretty pointless for now. Maybe some better batteries will come in some time in the future.

Battery life, well efest 18650 35A are 2500mah and the 26650 are 3000mah, so it's not a major major difference. I mean, for the extra bulk of the mod you I would have called double capacity decent, not 20% more...
Yea, considering a 26650 is more than double the volume, I'd expect a 5000mAh 20A bugger?

Very curious. Am I missing something here though?
Yip, 0.5 is a decent safety margin. I said 20% minimum ;)

Correct, the 26650 you have is not as good for subohm as the 18650 efest, but not by much as this actually raises another issue of marketing winning over performance. The purple efest 35A 2500mah is actually a re-wrapped LG ICR18650HE2 with a 20A continuous discharge and a pulse rating of 35A.

Hi @drew
I read with much interest you saying that the Purple Efest 35A 2500mah is actually a re-wrapped LG ICR.
I thought it was an IMR battery.
If it is ICR, then that would be bad? Right?
at least now you have the 26650 mod, now go get yourself one of those 20 ml kayfun clones :)
Just because Efest make shiat 26650's don't think an 18650 is going to out perform it. Have a look at the MNKE 26650

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
I find battery life on 26650s excellent. Voltage drop excellent. As for efest I beg to differ with their latest 26650

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Mnke is also only a burst of 60A. So no difference there

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Hi @drew
I read with much interest you saying that the Purple Efest 35A 2500mah is actually a re-wrapped LG ICR.
I thought it was an IMR battery.
If it is ICR, then that would be bad? Right?

Hey @Silver

EDIT: Post disappeared. The model number of the LG/Efest does suggest ICR but they actually use the same chemistry as the Sony VTC4/5's... so no problem there.
As for efest I beg to differ with their latest 26650

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I wasn't aware that a new one was out. Just saw it on your site. Yeah, that's some pretty impressive markings.
Personally never been a fan of the Efests, but they seem to be stepping up the game.
Lol. Efest are the most innovative battery manufacturer of the year in my humble opinion. Please let me know of one battery that beats 18650 2500mah 35A battery?

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Lol. Efest are the most innovative battery manufacturer of the year in my humble opinion. Please let me know of one battery that beats 18650 2500mah 35A battery?

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Sony VTC5 maybe :D