A Billion Lives

The sooner people see this (as well as researching the facts themselves) and stop believing the BS that's out there, the better.
Thanks for shariing @kimbo
Great to see and am lookimg forward to the full documentary when available
Excited for the full documentary. Has the potential to be quite good.
Interesting. I could not help but notice the SA accent for Dr. Delon Human @ around 2:36, so did a quick Google search :
Amazon product ASIN 0955367417http://www.tobaccotactics.org/index.php/Delon_Human

If people like him, preaching Harm Reduction, are direct advisors to the WHO, and have done countless presentations and recommendations to the FDA, and I take both of those organizations current stances on vaping into consideration, I can only come to the conclusion that those organizations are either
a) Extremely dof
b) All about the money

[EDIT]Meh... That Amazon link. I'm not trying to punt the book, but here is the 'blurb':
A must read for all active and passive smokers and their health professionals. Uncovering tobacco harm reduction, the best kept secret in public health Hundreds of millions of people who smoke cigarettes are dying needlessly, simply because they are not informed about alternative, safer forms of nicotine. Wise Nicotine uncovers the reasons why, and explains how nicotine has become a misunderstood molecule. It is a plea to health professionals to become nicotine-wise, and for smokers to demand information and access to safer forms of nicotine.
Hi guys

The people from EASA sent me this video clip from Aaron Biebert, the director of A Billion Lives

They showed Aaron our ECIGSSA forum and the positive comments on here - so he wanted to send us a little video. He is in SA for his first time.

That's so cool - so thanks guys for your comments!

Here it is - just click on the link:


Thanks Aaron, that is great!!