A message to buyers in the Classifieds.

Another strong mesage to buyers using the Classifieds

Be extra careful when buying items from members with very low post counts and who dont have avatar pictures.

Do your research. Ask around. There have been cases of "fly by nighters" and chancers.

Stick to those with more history on the forum that other forumites know about

Sorry to the legitimate newer members, but it is what it is.

At least I have something up I guess? :)

I've done many deals on here and on other forums, haven't had any issues whatsoever. (hope the guys who bought stuff from me feel the same)

I agree with mentioning the people involved if an item is being resold for a profit
the classifieds is a great place for the cash strapped people to upgrade by selling there unused gear or buying used gear. i have used it a few times and with a bit of common sense i have managed to get some good gear at good prices. i will not buy from a seller that could not be bothered to even add a avatar, has very few posts or cant follow the guidelines set out for the sellers. buying and reselling for profit using the classifieds is not what i think the classifieds are intended for. money can bring out the worse or the best out of people and you can see there true intentions whether they are here to help themselves or others. the members that i have dealt with when buying items makes the classifieds a great place to shop and i will use it to sell my gear when i get to upgrading.