

Elite Vaper
Cape Town
All this talk about the Plumeveil and no one seems to have mentioned The Orchid?
I would have thought with all the Kayfun fans the Orchid would be way more popular.
That price though...

Well minimum wage in the USA is what... 40K a month? Sucks for us. You make more flipping burgers than most people do over here. Pair that with with lower living expense... Leaves lots of monies available for vape gear! Bastards :-D
why would we want this thing then if it has a "few major issues" ?

It's not about wanting it. It's a product watch thread and about following guys who are coming up with some really innovative stuff. The Plumeveil I think is nothing short of brilliant and if they can get fix the issues on the The Orchid, anyone who enjoys vaping on a Kayfun would be all over it.


I haven't been able to find much on these guys other than:

Also looks like their working on a website now:

... for anyone interested. After the mayor success off their first runs I suspect we're going to see some rad stuff coming from them.

Both their atties are still considered work in progress. As one run releases, they listen to feedback and then go back to the drawing board... hence the Plumeveil 1.5

I've seen a couple of peeved off people jumping the gun too quick and buying as soon as these things are released only to find that an update is just around the corner for the exact price they paid just two months before. A lesson I learned a long time ago in this game is patience. Wait. Save. Wait some more. Seek perfection. Wait some more. Price probably drops slightly. Buy.
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awesome shot


That waiting lesson paid off big time with the ZNA.
Everyone pounced on it after it hit the market only to be stuck with "the gap of zen".
No attie could sit flush on it and there was a mayor gap! Few months later new models were out with an adjustable cap pin and only after that could you buy a new cap separately. These caps are like $50 a pop. I would have been so peeved :D
luckily the plume veil stock seems to be awesome sauce so no hassles there
luckily the plume veil stock seems to be awesome sauce so no hassles there

Yeah... just make sure it's the new one. There is an older version, the V1. The 1.5 is the one with the gold base from what I gathered.
no i meant the gold base one seems awesome just by itself. what's this 1.5 one?
no i meant the gold base one seems awesome just by itself. what's this 1.5 one?

Not sure. Some guys were selling the first run Plume, the the gold plated base came out, which I assumed was the 1.5, but I'm not sure of this either as I new see pre-orders launched for another one in August. Not sure if this is a new model or just another run of the last one. But I'm sitting tight. I would like to own one, but not at this stage. I'm not spending that only to find them making another improvement one month later.
You think Revn stealth buys clones!?

Owning a heap of vape gear has never really been my thing. If you see my vape stand you'd probably be shocked at the lack of gear. I have a handful of things.

1 x Quasar
1 x Neme
1 x ZNA
1 x Limited Knurled King
1 x Kayfun

Having and sticking with what works allows for a bigger budget on what I enjoy even more. Good juice.
That's it.

It's getting dated, especially in the atty department. I just don't like to splash too much on various things. I'd rather hold back and pool until something comes out that blows my mind. Right now that something is the Plume Veil and if they improve the Orchid, then they will replace my current atties.

I've asked Kel at Vape Craving to keep eyes out for me on something revolutionary at ECC this year.