Thank you for the advice @SilverHi @Gert_Koen
I was an exclusive mouth to lung vaper for a long time until i started dabbling with lung hits and was persuaded by my fellow vaper and Reonaut @Alex to go with lung hits
I am now about 50/50 mouth to lung versus lung hit. I enjoy them both for different reasons and both satisfy me depending on what i need.
In the mornings, i need a mild MTL - i use the Evod1, dont laugh
For a strong tobacco hit, its the RM2 with a good tobacco (eg Blackbird or HHV juices)
For mindless vaping at the computer, i like the restrictive low power lung hit on the Lemo1 (not very juice hungry)
For more volume and satisfaction its the Nuppins on the Reos in full lung hit mode. But you are right this goes through juice quickly.
I share your frustration that lung hits typically use way more juice and one usually needs much lower nic. My juice consumption has more than doubled since i started including lung hits.
I always have two mouth to lung devices at hand with strong 18mg juice in them. My "tobacco Reo" has the RM2 and mostly Blackbird or another hard hitting tobacco in there.
My Nuppins usually have a mentholated fruit. And at lower nic, around 9 or 12mg.
So every now and then I need a strong hit and I take a few mouth to lung hits on the Blackbird and that limits the amount of lung hits I need. So its a balance. Interestingly, i dont like the lung hit with the tobaccoes when I feel the need for a strong concentrated hit.
If i was just lung hitting low nic i would be using WAY more juice.
What I also do with the lung hit juice is buy local 18mg and dilute it down to about 9mg. This makes it cheaper and with the right juice there is not too much flavour loss. I also occasionally do some basic DIY which helps too.
Hopefully this can help you.

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