personally the key to the reo success has to stem from the simplicity of it. Its like apple products they just work!
I too was/am not totally blown away with product however i would recommend it.
i am still tinkering with wicking options as i suspect i am getting an odd flavour/taste from my cotton which is bizzare as it has been boiled and air dried.
all things aside i cannot complain as with any gear you buy you will need to customise it to suit your prefference and taste!
Zeegee is absolutely correct. even tho I am satisfied with the build I will just try all the different coil options.
I sold the black wrinkle grand. my intention when ordering 3 was just to have 2 backups just incase something goes wrong. now that I have had them in my hands I dont feel the need for 3 as this thing is so well buil I doubt I will ever need a back up. so the mini is for stealth mode because its so tiny and cute @Zodiac. and my grand for for my main device. I also have a dripper for testing new mixes. so here is what they look like now. and my latest coil build. I just love the copper vein

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