Wow, what an amazing lineup of new shop openings and events taking place today from ECIGSSA vendors.
Saturday 29 September 2018 - Spring is in the air -
So many great events, we are all spoiled for choice.
Here's a summary:
Vaperite - new Fourways store grand opening
The Buzz shopping centre in Fourways
@Vaperite South Africa
Vape King - Benoni grand opening
Farramere shopping centre in Benoni
Lots of specials and some raffles
@Stroodlepuff , @Gizmo
Noon Clouds - new store launch in Centurion
9am to 6pm
@smilelykumeenit also in attendance to get your coils installed and photographed!
Check out the NoonClouds Facebook page but here is the Smiley thread:
Moving over to KZN...
Sir Vape - opening of new shop in Kloof
Delcairn Centre, 12 Village Road, Kloof
10am to 3pm
Specials and juice tastings
@Sir Vape , @BigGuy
Sir Vape - Cloud Wars
At their Musgrave store
10am to 3pm
Amazing Cloud comp at 12h30 with great prizes.
@Sir Vape, @BigGuy
Moving to the Cape...
BLCK Vapour - launch of their new store in Kenilworth
74 Lock Rd, Kenilworth
10am till late
DIY competition with awesome prizes. Or purchase anything to win prizes.
In attendance are also @RiaanRed from Coil Company (10-12) , @eviltoy from Lungasm (12 to 2pm), @Imperator from Emissary Elixirs (3pm to 5pm)
Wow, how's that!
Gauteng, KZN, Cape Town.
Events happening all over!

Enjoy and post a pic if you attend any of them.
Saturday 29 September 2018 - Spring is in the air -
So many great events, we are all spoiled for choice.
Here's a summary:
Vaperite - new Fourways store grand opening
The Buzz shopping centre in Fourways
@Vaperite South Africa
Vape King - Benoni grand opening
Farramere shopping centre in Benoni
Lots of specials and some raffles
@Stroodlepuff , @Gizmo
Noon Clouds - new store launch in Centurion
9am to 6pm
@smilelykumeenit also in attendance to get your coils installed and photographed!
Check out the NoonClouds Facebook page but here is the Smiley thread:
Moving over to KZN...
Sir Vape - opening of new shop in Kloof
Delcairn Centre, 12 Village Road, Kloof
10am to 3pm
Specials and juice tastings
@Sir Vape , @BigGuy
Sir Vape - Cloud Wars
At their Musgrave store
10am to 3pm
Amazing Cloud comp at 12h30 with great prizes.
@Sir Vape, @BigGuy
Moving to the Cape...
BLCK Vapour - launch of their new store in Kenilworth
74 Lock Rd, Kenilworth
10am till late
DIY competition with awesome prizes. Or purchase anything to win prizes.
In attendance are also @RiaanRed from Coil Company (10-12) , @eviltoy from Lungasm (12 to 2pm), @Imperator from Emissary Elixirs (3pm to 5pm)
Wow, how's that!
Gauteng, KZN, Cape Town.
Events happening all over!

Enjoy and post a pic if you attend any of them.
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