An uncomfortable question

If vaping was banned in SA, would you go back to smoking

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Life is good and I am blessed :)
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So, this weekend I read again on some DIY sites how people in America in certain states are struggling to get things like nicotine - one online shop apparently charges $100 hazmat fee for nicotine - and then I thought about places like India, etc. where vaping is banned.

This then brought the following question to my mind, hypothetically if South Africa's government decides to ban vaping and e-cigarettes in total, would you switch back to smoking? Just an interesting poll.
A very relevant question seen what is happening all over the world.
I will never touch a stinky again. Period! I’ve cut down on the nicotine so much that I’m vaping the equivalent of 1 or 2 cigarettes at most so F... big tobacco I’m no longer a slave.
I can't stand stinkies anymore, tried some when I ran out of juice a while back and one puff was enough to know thats not an option.

Will probably blow a few grand on supplies if we get banned and then taper off over time at home.
At that point I would rather grow my own tobacco and extract the nicotine. Go full mad chemist.
I can't stand stinkies anymore, tried some when I ran out of juice a while back and one puff was enough to know thats not an option.

Will probably blow a few grand on supplies if we get banned and then taper off over time at home.
The time to taper off is now
I would also probably load up on DIY supplies, continue to mix/vape at home, then use the remaining supplies to wean myself off nic entirely. I'm at 1mg now so it shouldn't be too hard.
I’ll stock up and wean off, down to 2ml already, but I will miss it as it is a hobby for me as well as a life saver. Can’t guarantee never smoking again, but will definitely try to abstain. Let’s hope sanity prevails, but ja, no guarantees.
I will simply DIY 0-Nic juice and be done with it.
I enjoy vaping for the flavor, not the Nicotine.
DIY will never die.
VG is available from chemists, supermarkets etc.
PG can be ordered from some chemists. I did this myself in the early days.
Batteries are available from many sources.
SA flavours will always be available (love caramel popcorn, cream soda and wicks bubblegum) and most likely all international flavours as they are used in food.
I have enough mods, RTAs, RDAs etc to last a lifetime even if I have to eventually rely on mech mods.
Cotton.... back to good old Dischem organic cotton or just import it.

The only problem could be nic. Most long term DL vapers seem to be using between 1 and 3mg. I am almost certain that I would survive without it (if not I will buy from @einad5 ).

As with smoking, I feel that the rituals and routine are important. As are the flavours and general experience of vaping.
I doubt it would ever happen... it's just too ridiculous to contemplate. But I'm sure I could stock up and be OK.
The sad thing about this is not that we will all go underground, but the fact that there will still be people smoking that wont get the chance to even start vaping. I can mix my own etc etc but the more important vaper is the one who is still smoking because he never got the chance to start.
I don't think they are going to stop vaping, it's way too big already. If they'd jumped in during the early years and banned everything in 2007 or so before it took off and people heard about it, maybe. But it's too well known now and there are too many countries that still allow it. That will lead to a thriving black market.

Drugs like opioids are banned and it doesn't stop anybody from getting them. More US high school kids take drugs now than smoke cigarettes. Banning a product doesn't stop it if there is a market for it. The US discovered this during both Prohibition and the War on Drugs. It's just staggering that they're committed to making the same mistakes all over again. What was that old saying about people who don't learn from history?
Added another choice, which is possibly the one I will follow
I don't give a crap anymore. It's my constitutional right to vape. I will vape where, what and how I feel like it as long as I don't pee off others.
I don't give a crap anymore. It's my constitutional right to vape. I will vape where, what and how I feel like it as long as I don't pee off others.
I personally would rather pee on other :D