You know, whenever a retailer or someone with a vested interest has something to say about a product (especially if it's being praised), it's always well advised to take it with a pinch of salt. But every now and then something happens that leaves me absolutely dumbstruck and in this particular case I felt strong enough to rant on it.
By now you've all seen Mr. Ripps review on this tank.
When that review went live I was wondering if bringing it in was the right move as we did not receive the product yet and since so many people hang on a reviewers words as I myself sometimes do I was afraid that tank, which I was highly anticipating would eventually turn out to be nothing more than hype.
The Arctic had received praise from many and out of no where Ripp's review came and completely decimated this tank before it even hit our shores. As suspected, many of our everyday customers walked into the store all asking the same question. Is this tank really as bad as Ripp Trippers claimed it was.
The answer is: "Hell no!"
To be frank, I have no idea WTF Ripp is talking about.
It's my forth day on a 0.5 dual coil running it steady at 50 Watts and guys, if you pass up the opportunity of trying this tank from your local vendor you are missing out on what is one hell of a vape. Take the flavor you're getting off a Subtank Mini and mash that up with the vapor production of an Atlantis with a touch more airflow and you have the Arctic as a result.
Given, on a fresh coil, there is a slight off taste. Is it as bad a Ripp is spitting? No...
This taste goes away when you hit the second tank of juice and it easily becomes one of the most saturated vapes on the planet. At 50W the 0.5 ohm coil shines and the vape becomes nice and warm.
While this is not a full review on the product, I did want to give the guys who were thinking about giving the Arctic a go a fair view on the product. If there is anyone else who owns this tank I'd honestly like to hear your views on it as I have been nothing short of completely satisfied. Enough so put my drippers aside. If any of your local retailers carry this tank - do yourself a favor and go check it out. It will replace your Sub tanks. It will replace your Atlantis!
I have happily offered my mod to anyone that had doubts about it. Without a single word, this tank sells itself. It's that good!
I have a retailer badge.
By now you've all seen Mr. Ripps review on this tank.
When that review went live I was wondering if bringing it in was the right move as we did not receive the product yet and since so many people hang on a reviewers words as I myself sometimes do I was afraid that tank, which I was highly anticipating would eventually turn out to be nothing more than hype.
The Arctic had received praise from many and out of no where Ripp's review came and completely decimated this tank before it even hit our shores. As suspected, many of our everyday customers walked into the store all asking the same question. Is this tank really as bad as Ripp Trippers claimed it was.
The answer is: "Hell no!"
To be frank, I have no idea WTF Ripp is talking about.
It's my forth day on a 0.5 dual coil running it steady at 50 Watts and guys, if you pass up the opportunity of trying this tank from your local vendor you are missing out on what is one hell of a vape. Take the flavor you're getting off a Subtank Mini and mash that up with the vapor production of an Atlantis with a touch more airflow and you have the Arctic as a result.
Given, on a fresh coil, there is a slight off taste. Is it as bad a Ripp is spitting? No...
This taste goes away when you hit the second tank of juice and it easily becomes one of the most saturated vapes on the planet. At 50W the 0.5 ohm coil shines and the vape becomes nice and warm.
While this is not a full review on the product, I did want to give the guys who were thinking about giving the Arctic a go a fair view on the product. If there is anyone else who owns this tank I'd honestly like to hear your views on it as I have been nothing short of completely satisfied. Enough so put my drippers aside. If any of your local retailers carry this tank - do yourself a favor and go check it out. It will replace your Sub tanks. It will replace your Atlantis!
I have happily offered my mod to anyone that had doubts about it. Without a single word, this tank sells itself. It's that good!
I have a retailer badge.
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