Article In "huisgenoot"


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Did any of you see this, dont know if it is in the You as well. They recon Ecigs is just as bad as smoking stinky's

I am typing in afrikaans "Al skakel dit die teer van gewone sigareete iut, toon n onlangse ondersoek in Amerika die toestelle het n ewe grood risiko as gewone sigareete om "superkieme" te kweek; veral n superweergawe van die kiem metisillienweetstandig Staphylococcus aureus"
Did any of you see this, dont know if it is in the You as well. They recon Ecigs is just as bad as smoking stinky's

I am typing in afrikaans "Al skakel dit die teer van gewone sigareete iut, toon n onlangse ondersoek in Amerika die toestelle het n ewe grood risiko as gewone sigareete om "superkieme" te kweek; veral n superweergawe van die kiem metisillienweetstandig Staphylococcus aureus"
Funny that aerosolised pg was used as an anti bacterial at one stage.
They just give half the story in the article, is it not posseble to get them to get an interview with one of the vetran vapers?
Incredible, but oh so typical!
Rather than fight the real problems in our society - they pick the 'soft' targets.
Here's an idea - ban the damn unions and let us peace loving folk alone!


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where did they get this crap... scratched out from their arses??????? urgh!!! makes me MAL!!!!
Seems like they are on a mission to cause sensation, negative or positive, it does not matter. They even tell you the juise contains Diacetyl, but they dont tel you wich juice. But they also tell you Twisp juice dont have any in them
Uhmmm... its Huisgenoot guys, almost as bad as Die Rapport!
what is the article name, tried to find it online, but didn't know exactly what i'm looking for :blush:
what is the article name, tried to find it online, but didn't know exactly what i'm looking for :blush:

Liz i also could not find it online i wanted to post a link to it. i will see if i can make a plan to get it online

Voor en nadele van die e-sigarette .. that is the name
my scanner is frozen so i made an atempt with my fone

@Gizmo for some reason I am not seeing any of these images. I recall you saying it has to do with being behind a firewall? Any solution for this?
Nah, tried it not working
they are definitely scratching this crap out their arses!!!! this is such hogwash!!!! what about the other 1000s of chemicals in cigarettes??? really one those 3 ingredients hey, wow!!! no wonder i couldn't breath after finishing 2 boxes a day and had constant coughing fits... riiiiiiighhht!!!!!!!!! :hit: :banghead:
All I can do is shake my head in disbelieve. Really people? Who is the author on the peace and what the hell does he think he is going to achieve with this?

One word comes to mind "Hellgenoot"
weird, actually more people with same issue :-(
All this article speaks to me, is the quality of journolisium is this country. Probably find they stumbled on this article somewhere or it was sent to them by some nobody, and that was enough to convince them to publish the article. They did not even both to do a bit of objective research.


Can't find the study that says that e-cigs help create MRSA.

I can find a study that says MRSA is a really nasty bug that can't be killed by normal anti-biotics, as they are resistant to them. You biggest chance of getting infected by this bug is actually in a hospital (for now)

I can find a recent study that says MRSA is more virulent if they are exposed to normal ciggarette smoke.

The same study also states that the virii are stimulated by e-vapor, but 10 times less than cigarette smoke. Still more than not vaping.

Problem is, if you get an MRSA bug, chances are good that you are in ICU with severe life threatning pnuemonia.

I really hate any article that just goes - A study says, and not give the source of the study. I tend to go look for the study, cause newspapers and magazines often mis-quote or exaggerate what a study says.

And ultimatly, this isn't good news for vaping in SA, as a lot of people read the huisgenoot as the final say in anything and everything.