Attention Coil Bulders

Thanks, but R50-00 per coil before delivery is a bit steep.
@Matuka if I am not mistaken it is $4.73 for 50 coils just over a rand a coil, looking reasonable to me, but just dont expect it too soon with the sapo strike and what not
Thanks, but R50-00 per coil before delivery is a bit steep.

Looks like a pack of 50 coils

But anyway, coiling and installing a coil in a device with holes in the posts is very easy
Once youve done a few, you can do it in a few minutes
And the coil tends to last for many weeks

You just need to rewick if you use cotton - as i do. I rewick after about every 5ml of juice.
But if you use ekowool or silica, the wick lasts much, much longer. I know @johan had an ekowool wick that was in his Reo for weeks. I still need to experiment with that.
@Matuka I promise you wrapping the coils is so easy, as long as you have two hands and eyes to see. It's really simple. All that is required is a little patience and a lot of practice. The thicker gauge wire like 26g is very easy to work with.

My advice: Get 10m of wire, and a few drill bits in different sizes. Then just practice making a crap load of coils. After the 10th one you will already discover just how easy it becomes.
@Matuka I promise you wrapping the coils is so easy, as long as you have two hands and eyes to see. It's really simple. All that is required is a little patience and a lot of practice. The thicker gauge wire like 26g is very easy to work with.

My advice: Get 10m of wire, and a few drill bits in different sizes. Then just practice making a crap load of coils. After the 10th one you will already discover just how easy it becomes.

Ok guys thanks for all the advice. You have convinced me to have a go at making my own coils. I am going to get some Kanthal and wicking and have another go, but before I do I will get myself something with holes in the posts and take it from there. Maybe it was trying to coil a commercial atomiser that drove me crazy! :mad:
For all you expert coil builders out there, have any of you considered selling your ready made coils to those of us who are too lazy/challenged to build our own coils? This will open up a whole new world to those of us who stick with commercial tanks because we can't or won't make our own coils.
\id gladly help out by building a few coils and popping it in the post. cost of materials and postage would be on you though. I'm not the best at it but i think i do a pretty decent job