Auction: Menthol Crystals

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Special deal on offer here. Bought some menthol crystals from Dischem in December.

I am a big fan of mint flavour, but having now tried a few different menthol liquids, I can definitely say that I will not be using these. I had hoped that menthol and mint were similar, but it is not the smooth mint flavour I like. It is harsh and irritates my throat. I have no need for these crystals.

So, I am offering what I have here. You can find online instructions on how to dissolve these in PG and make eliquids.

2014-01-22 21.26.14.jpg 2014-01-22 21.31.28.jpg
(EVOD Clearo and TopQ bottle for scale)

You will notice that these were specially prescribed to me by Dr. Self Medication. Getting an appointment with that guy can take months. This is the real deal, not that cheap and nasty stuff you get at your corner Clicks pharmacy, or that stuff your Grandpa got at the local Link chemist. This is 99.395755194223133% (recurring) pure menthol!

The container looks to be about 9/10 full. See attached pics. Cost was R 162.98. I would like to auction them off. I am willing to let these go to any member of

Opening price is R10. Bidding increments are R10. The final purchase price will be exclusive of postage. I will cover packaging costs from my end. Please post your offer below if you are interested.


WARNING: This stuff is a serious skin irritant. I broke one crystal with my fingers in the store. It tingled and didn't feel lekker for about 45 mins. This stuff is potent and you should not be an idiot with it. Use gloves when handling, keep out of reach of children, animals and drunk males. Not to be ingested. This is not a spice. As this product is used outside of my control I cannot be held responsible if something unexpected happens, however if something unexpected does happen please post pictures and a full description on the forum for all of us to laugh at
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Haha dev that's some intense stuff. Nice to see you back on the forum bud, you always have something interesting to say or in this case show lollol. I would be keen but by the sounds of it sounds a really hectic for its purpose like you indicated. Maybe someone with better experience could get the best out of this beast
Didnt @Johnny2Puffs mention he was into menthol crystals?
I seem to recall that. Maybe he would be interested.
@Jacques34 you must be a man with an eye for a deal, and outstanding taste. Are you based in Jozi?
Nice to see you back on the forum bud

Thanks man, it is great to be back here, and learning from everyone again, while laughing a lot as well.
this sounds like some serious meth, i mean menthol

i bid R20

quick question, how is this different from the normal menthol crystals you buy over the counter at Dischem?

u mentioned u got a prescription for them- what exactly was the prescription for?
probably MHV...
(Must Have Virus)
Prescribed by himself to himself... I am sure this is the over the counter menthol crystals @Riaz . Very good stuff!
I only vape menthol but cannot get the crystals to stay in liquid form. It re crystallizes after a few days. The juice I get from Oupa somehow does not. Don't understand why.
quick question, how is this different from the normal menthol crystals you buy over the counter at Dischem?

@Tom Yep, complete MHV. I wanted to make sure I was ready for all ideas I may have on holiday, so got this stuff thinking it would be a good base for mint. @Oupa Yes, this is over the counter. Ignore my sales pitch guys. This is the same stuff any chemist could sell you, I was just having a bit of fun :)

@Johnny2Puffs I think diluting the menthol in any VG is the mistake. It seems to recrystalise then. It seems the solution is to make a saturated solution in PGA (Pure grain alcohol - Vodka). By saturated I mean it is no longer possible to dissolve any more crystals into the solution. This should then be mixed sparingly into a blend of PG/VG with any other flavour you want to add.

Alternatively you could try making a saturated solution in pure PG, and then add the VG after wards. Check this thread:

This guy had exact same problem, and then managed to sort out the problem by disolving crystals first without VG, and then adding VG later.
Shooo, things are hotting up here! Could we break the fabled R50 barrier? Only time will tell!
Whats the difference between vaping a good menthol juice versus a juice made by yourself with these menthol crystals?

Is it just the cost? Or customisation ability? Or is the flavour much better?

My menthol benchmark at the moment is VM's Menthol Ice. Tastes fantastic for me but never tried the menthol crystals
@Silver1 our VM menthol concentrate is made using pharmaceutical grade menthol crystals ;)
Did the mix yesterday but just cannot get near my favorite "Menthol Sensation" available from Oupa I think.
Perhaps it is the PG/VG percentage.
Mixed the crystals with PG and heated it in warm water with much shaking and kept adding more crystals until no more would dissolve. Syringed the juice out into another bottle.
Mixed 50/50 PG/VG in a 5ml bottle and added 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 15% of the flavour. The 15% was too strong so I opted for 12.5%.
Taste is good but just not the same as the Menthol Sensation.
@Johnny2Puffs Ok, so the issue of the menthol crystals reforming after they have been dissolved has disappeared then? That is a step in the right direction I guess.

In discussions with a vaping chef on friday he explained that alcohol is an excellent flavour carrier (much better than PG) maybe try diluting it in PGA and then mixing that in. Although this will influence the throat hit quite a bit
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