Authentic DNA 40 diy vapor flask clone


Experienced Vaper
Hi just thought i would share my experience with fitting an authentic dna 40 in a infinite vapor flask clone

First up the flask thanks @GadgetFreak


Next my perfectly working now ex HB DNA 40


Ok so after removing the HB DNA 40 i started with what i thought would be a 30 min job it turned out to be 3 attempts in total.20150421_230225.jpg
First try i tried to salvage the wired by joining wires with solder and heat shrink due to tight fit and improper routing i ended up with a dead short almost vented the batt and could have fried the chip


Second try i decided to rewire completely. I used an old pc power suply wired wich turned out to be too thick and not flexible enough and as a result during the final closing of the top of the flask the wires pushed down on the board and as a result broke the screen :(



Okay on my third attempt it was a success what i ended up using is speaker wired wich im not realy comfortable with because its not heat resistant insulation i also wrapped the chip in a piece off anti static wich a new hard drive comes in. I also changed the routing a bit i didnt take any pics as i was in full concentration mode.

All in all it kinda suck that i messed the screen up but its still fully functional i dont really trust the wires that much need to find and buy wire with heat resistant insulation.

On a plus point i ordered a new dna 40 from evolv and they said they will ship it with an extra small screen.



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Now you just need to make it a squonker, then it will be perfect. :p
@DaRoach Just to throw a spanner in the works... it probably isn't a good idea using an anti-static bag as an insulator, from what I understand that material is actually conductive.
@DaRoach Just to throw a spanner in the works... it probably isn't a good idea using an anti-static bag as an insulator, from what I understand that material is actually conductive.
What ill have to google it
You are right the anti static bag does have a metalic film maybe i just got lucky but i would asume that the film is on the outside wich is how i wrapped it.
damn good effort. Do you have to memorize the steps to operate it now?. I also lost the screen on my ipv 2
damn good effort. Do you have to memorize the steps to operate it now?. I also lost the screen on my ipv 2
Thanks luckily the chip kept all my settings all i do is minor wattage adjustments i count it off in seconds.