Bellus RBA

Bellus > aromamizer hands down. Flavour is on point in the bellus but it is wick sensitive.
Loving the feedback before I make a decision on the Bellus versus the Aromarizer. The fact you can run it in single coil mode and use less juice (maby?) appeals to me.

And yes the rubber AFC is probably annoying and shifts out of place when your mod is in your pocket but I'm speculating here as I dont have either.
Loving the feedback before I make a decision on the Bellus versus the Aromarizer. The fact you can run it in single coil mode and use less juice (maby?) appeals to me.

And yes the rubber AFC is probably annoying and shifts out of place when your mod is in your pocket but I'm speculating here as I dont have either.
I have the iJust2 with the rubber ring design, when it's new it stays in place quite well but as time goes on it loosens up, now it seems to move around all by itself. I imagine the same will happen with the Aromamizer
I agree Morne, the Bellus is certainly different but I wouldn't go as far to say it's better. I won't be getting rid of my Billow anytime soon, or my Goblin, Subtank or even my iJust2.
can't believe that my Bellus from 3fvapes showed up in my mail box yesterday,6 days after ordering!Took me a while to get a duel setup to work w/o shorting or leaking but I stuck to it and was rewarded with a mighty fine and flavorful vape.Marzug's wicking pics helped
Loving the Bellus so far in single coil mode, running at 2.5mm ID with Cotton Bacon thanks to Tiaan from Beyond Vapor.

Any other single coil builds you would recommend. As one has mentioned 7 wraps with the little blue screw driver, I believe its around 2mm ID. Would a parallel coil work, I believe there would be space doing 3-4 wraps or so. Only have 24 gauge wire atm.
This tank definitely brings out the sweetness of a juice and tames the throat hit.. Loving it.
So I did a parallel 24 gauge single coil build, 3 ish wraps on 2.5mm ID. It was VERY difficult fitting the coil without touching the side of the Bellus and shorting out but after a lot of fiddling I got it perfect. Reading in at 0.23 ohm and vaping at 40w on the IPV D2. Awesome!

My next build will be 2mm ID and see how that goes, sorry I dont have any pictures to show.

And yes @skola it definitely brings out the sweetness in most if not all of the juices I have tried.
This tanking truly gives vaping a different experience.
The flavour is just to good.

The downside is that the top filling holes, i feel are too small and it goes through juice like a v8

Please post pics of your builds for the bellus
This single coil build with dry tasting hits after a few puffs is driving me crazy.. If I look at wick its drying out on the top (edge)of the wick..
Rob am I correct you were experiencing same thing on single coil build..
One question..
How high must coil be in the air ?
have looked at tons of pics on net and there is no consistency..
Some coils as high as top post screws, some almost on Dec bottom and some in middle...
And if anybody has suggestions for dry hits with a single coil build please advise..don't have this at all with a dual coil...
Almost like blocking off one side juice well with adapter causes a juice lock on the other side

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This single coil build with dry tasting hits after a few puffs is driving me crazy.. If I look at wick its drying out on the top (edge)of the wick..
Rob am I correct you were experiencing same thing on single coil build..
One question..
How high must coil be in the air ?
have looked at tons of pics on net and there is no consistency..
Some coils as high as top post screws, some almost on Dec bottom and some in middle...
And if anybody has suggestions for dry hits with a single coil build please advise..don't have this at all with a dual coil...
Almost like blocking off one side juice well with adapter causes a juice lock on the other side

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What gauge are you using and what is your ID? I put my coils directly in front of the air holes, just dry fit the deck in the tank and adjust the coils until they are nice and centred. 26g on a 2.5mm ID works great for me. I Scottish Roll some Cotton Bacon and get it in there nice and tight, I trim the tails so that there is a point trailing in the juice channels but not blocking them.
I been doing 26 g on 2.4 mm 6 wraps..
Haven't been doing Scottish roll but plain jap cotton wick
Will give Scottish roll a bash

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I been doing 26 g on 2.4 mm 6 wraps..
Haven't been doing Scottish roll but plain jap cotton wick
Will give Scottish roll a bash

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Your coil sounds fine, maybe just experiment with your wicking a bit
@ BumblebeeThanks for feedback

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
This single coil build with dry tasting hits after a few puffs is driving me crazy.. If I look at wick its drying out on the top (edge)of the wick..
Rob am I correct you were experiencing same thing on single coil build..

Yip the single coil didn't work too well for me... but once I put in dual coils it really rocks! Very very happy with it now!
I had luck with single and dual coil builds, however I am hating the leaking from the airflow when filling. Note when filling the airflow is closed.

Anyway this tank is a winner.
@Rebel.. What was your single coil build if I may ask

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I had luck with single and dual coil builds, however I am hating the leaking from the airflow when filling. Note when filling the airflow is closed.

Anyway this tank is a winner.
Im hating that too. I dont understand it at all! No idea why it leaks. I tried the flipping it over while closing method. That doesnt work either
@DougP I also won with the single coil. 26g 316 stainless steel. 8 wraps. Came to about 0.54 ohm build I think. Wicked it with rayon. Tips half way down the juice well. No dry hits
Also did the exact same build with 26g kanthal. 2.5mm id
So just a little update. I have had my Bellus now for a week and tried different builds etc. It is good, however I still prefer my Billow v2's. Going to play around the w/e again and if I don't get a vast improvement it's going in the classies.
I love the Bellus but filling it is a stinking nightmare with the leak from the airflow ring despite closing it off... so annoying! :mad: And after that it's perfect!
I love the Bellus but filling it is a stinking nightmare with the leak from the airflow ring despite closing it off... so annoying! :mad: And after that it's perfect!
I just bottom fill mine, i know it's weird but I find it easier. And that way it allows me to see how gunky my coils are :)