Best 22mm tank for flavour...?


Experienced Vaper
Cape Town
Hey y'all

Looking at upgrading from my Crius to a tank with more flavour but limited to 22mm due to the fact that this tank will be a permanent fixture on my VTC mini.

Well, here's a bit of resuurection... the SM22 in the week, installed the wotofo comp coil and wicked it, came in @ 0.6Ω.
I found the tank very restrictive though...too MTL for my liking.
I'm gonna try lifting the coil a bit to increase air flow but I'll be looking around for a better flowing tank...suggestions please as there are new tanks on the market since my 1st post.

My buddy has recommended the Troll or Ammit Dual
Well, here's a bit of resuurection... the SM22 in the week, installed the wotofo comp coil and wicked it, came in @ 0.6Ω.
I found the tank very restrictive though...too MTL for my liking.
I'm gonna try lifting the coil a bit to increase air flow but I'll be looking around for a better flowing tank...suggestions please as there are new tanks on the market since my 1st post.

My buddy has recommended the Troll or Ammit Dual
new tanks are not doing much that the tanks one year ago can't do. Your loss for not getting a Crius :)
I'm having a good time with single coil ammit at the moment... Nice smooth 3D airflow. I got the wicking right on the third attempt and now its really come alive!!
Alot of peeps have praised the smok baby beast but say it's a juice vrieter

Well I use one currently and yes it is a bit heavy. I got it with a v8 stick bundle but now residing on my VTC Mini. I go about through 7ml ( 6mg ) of juice a day with a 0.4 ohm commercial coil.
Well, here's a bit of resuurection... the SM22 in the week, installed the wotofo comp coil and wicked it, came in @ 0.6Ω.
I found the tank very restrictive though...too MTL for my liking.
I'm gonna try lifting the coil a bit to increase air flow but I'll be looking around for a better flowing tank...suggestions please as there are new tanks on the market since my 1st post.

My buddy has recommended the Troll or Ammit Dual
You may be on to something with repositioning the coil as I got my SM 22 out to check and I seem to get decent air flow.My best flavor tanks now are larger ones ie The Engines,Borueas and Modfather.Vapeing evolves quickly.So much for smaller= more flavor.
Bought a bunch of tanks the last year plus, but around here it's still the Avocado's for the win.
Avocado Genesis 22's - Avocado 24's.
Bought a bunch of tanks the last year plus, but around here it's still the Avocado's for the win.
Avocado Genesis 22's - Avocado 24's.
View attachment 96316
Hey Spydro, could you send a pic of your wicking on your Avo22? I get OK'ish flavour from my Avo22.
Yesterday, rebuilt and rewicked my Avo with a micro-alien from @smilelykumeenit, checked it on my cricket, and first few pulls were ok, then the flavour disappears.
Every few days I start to think the Serpent Mini is awesome... then it starts leaking again. It still beats my Baby Beast by far.
Every few days I start to think the Serpent Mini is awesome... then it starts leaking again. It still beats my Baby Beast by far.

I need to ask .....why do you use RTA's when there is always possibilities of leaks and dry hits? Why not use RDTA's?

I find the baby beast's flavors are so muted and baby clouds as well.

RDTA is like a RDA with massive juice wells
Hey Spydro, could you send a pic of your wicking on your Avo22? I get OK'ish flavour from my Avo22.
Yesterday, rebuilt and rewicked my Avo with a micro-alien from @smilelykumeenit, checked it on my cricket, and first few pulls were ok, then the flavour disappears.

The only picture I have made of an Avo G's wicking is one with a quad build in it. But the Avo G is very easy to coil and wick though, so not sure what you are looking for in a picture of the wicks. Can tell you that what I do different than the videos made about wicking the Avo's... I do not groom the wicks (except a very little for the quad builds), and I do not run the wick tails more than about 3mm past the bottom of the build deck into the tank (wick can't be seen from the side). If the wick is tensioned right the tilt to vape will keep the wicks saturated, even for chain vaping.


IMO flavor is subjective, is a product of an atty's fluid dynamic's and matching the build to the joose in that atty to your own personal tastes. IOW none of my six Avo's run the same joose, so none of them have the exact same build in them. We don't have the same tastes and I am sure I don't vape your joose... so can't even suggest a power range for it. But what you can try is re positioning the coil(s) in relation to the AFC(s)... closer, away, higher, lower, etc. Often a small change in where the air engulfs the coil can make a big difference in flavor. Offsetting dual coils can as well (one higher, one lower, etc).

For my uses when it comes to RDTA's, RTA's and even some RDA's, it's hard to beat an Avo.
I need to ask .....why do you use RTA's when there is always possibilities of leaks and dry hits? Why not use RDTA's?

I find the baby beast's flavors are so muted and baby clouds as well.

RDTA is like a RDA with massive juice wells

I actually have a Serpent RDTA with a coil just waiting to be wicked... been like that for 2 weeks, just haven't gotten around to trying it out yet.
The only picture I have made of an Avo G's wicking is one with a quad build in it. But the Avo G is very easy to coil and wick though, so not sure what you are looking for in a picture of the wicks. Can tell you that what I do different than the videos made about wicking the Avo's... I do not groom the wicks (except a very little for the quad builds), and I do not run the wick tails more than about 3mm past the bottom of the build deck into the tank (wick can't be seen from the side). If the wick is tensioned right the tilt to vape will keep the wicks saturated, even for chain vaping.

Quad coils in an avo? SHEEEESH! Tell me more? wire? ID? Looks pretty cool, I must say.
Doesn't it get quite hot?
Quad coils in an avo? SHEEEESH! Tell me more? wire? ID? Looks pretty cool, I must say.
Doesn't it get quite hot?

"We don't have the same tastes and I am sure I don't vape your joose..." so you'll need to find your own build to taste.
Please pay heed to Ohm's Law and what the true amp CDR/MVA of your battery really is (not what it is falsely advertised as).

A starting hint to work down from... this quad is 2.5mm coils, and as you can see pretty much use up all of the available real estate in the Avo G.

Quads generally can have a longer ramp up and/or get warm-hot depending on what the build used is. On a single 18650 mech this one hits at 118W, so with my long DLH's the Avo G can get toasty.