So after having a nice cruising period with the billow v2 this went and happened.
I started getting leaking again and decided to do a full strip down and clean. I do regularly clean the thing but this was a full on disassembly and inspection.
I noticed that the centre post was kinda loose and actually popped out while I was washing it.
Also noticed that the rubber/plastic seal that surrounds the post had started to MELT .
I run this thing conservatively at around 25-29w on an istick.
I re-assembled (now I have to really crank the 510 screw or the post moves) and put a fresh build on.
While heating the coils (26g kanthal 5 wraps 0.4) at 26w - that rubber in the centre actually CAUGHT FIRE.
This seems to be the fatal flaw of the billow, and I believe also the reason people are getting leaks, it's not the wicking, it's liquid running into the airflow chamber through the centrepost seal.
Have you got a photo of that? With that, I'll see if I can wangle some spares for the Billow guys with the next shipment.
That is probably the insulator. You could ask @JakesSA from VapeClub to look if it is not possible to replace it with a PEEK insulator, which can take very high heat.
Looking at the colour of the plastic on deck photos (light brown) floating around the interwebs the Billow does have a PEEK insulator and it is advertised as such, so it is a bit odd. Having said that that, PEEK also has it's limits, +- 250 degrees Celcius.