Item for Sale :- Bolt v2 (2 extra doors) + Solo RDA + Topcap , NO TRADES PLS , NO SPLITTING
Selling Price :- 1400
Condition :- Bolt 8/10 has some wear , RDA 9/10
Age of the item :- unsure bought off forum members
Clone or Authentic :- Auth
Location of item :- Centurion
Delivery/Collection :- Collection preferred , Delivery on your dime and risk
Reason for sale:- not in use

Selling Price :- 1400
Condition :- Bolt 8/10 has some wear , RDA 9/10
Age of the item :- unsure bought off forum members
Clone or Authentic :- Auth
Location of item :- Centurion
Delivery/Collection :- Collection preferred , Delivery on your dime and risk
Reason for sale:- not in use

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