Braai Check

I do this ALOT! Sometimes just quiet, sometimes some bluesy tunes in the background, most of the times with a whisky, all of the times with a good tobacco MTL.

I wish I could install a fireplace ,but I know that's never going to happen, Or rather,
It could never happen.
Partially indirect, slow and high over a stainless plate while coles were stupid hot only removing plate once they cooled down.

I always move the fire and Coals to one side (normally at the back) with a few coals in front where the heat escapes. And two to three at the sides. Nothing under the chicken and then I smoke it with a slightly open top so the fire still burns. And 5 hours later with a few turns inbetween you have a chicken dinner!
Did you do direct or indirect heat?
If available I microwave mine for 5 minutes each side before Braaing. Then just basically give it a good tan on the coals. With the sweet marinades it's so hard not to burn it while trying to cook it properly from scratch on the coals. I am a bit of an impatient braaier and I also try not to braai for longer than I have to be more economical with wood or charcoal or briquettes to be more environmentally conscious.